Rejoining r/CryptoCurrency: Insights on Pump-and-Dump Detection and RWA Adoption

I rejoined r/CrptoCurrency, a subreddit with 9.8M members. This time, I will just focus on writing comments to earn that 500 comment karma required for posting. I got it. Now I see my mistake—why I was not allowed to post. For now, I will just read the posts on this subreddit.

While checking the subreddit, two posts caught my attention. The first one is about a study on pump-and-dump schemes in cryptocurrency. Based on the study and the outcome of using a detecting system called Perseus, they found 438 masterminds who broadcast crowd-pump messages.

Commenting on the poster, I asked what's the goal in the research. I also added if there is a similar detection applied in the stock market.


The second post that caught my attention is about the rollout of Real-World Assets (RWA) in Japan. This time, a Japanese real estate giant is now accepting XRP, DOGE, and SOL for property deals. As for me, this is something new; that's why I took the time to read the article.

