Greywarden > I am currently trying to report the following accounts, and more for runni


Greywarden > I am currently trying to report the following accounts, and more for running abusive downvoting rings on Hive in order to silence individuals, even posts and comments that violate no Hive rule at all are being downvoted by the abusers.. The Hive Watchers blocked me from reporting these abusive accounts recently, saying that my reports are invalid as you will see on my screenshot. The reports are very valid, and there is no reason for a swarm of Hive Whales to maliciously downvote an individual, even on posts and comments that aren't breaking any rules, just because they want to bring the individuals reputation down to zero in order to silence them. This is not only a violation of their own rules on abuse. But it is also a violation of one's freedom of expression, as individuals are being suppressed by a collective that are interested in control and power, and are accomplishing this through the means of their wealth in the ecosystem.

Lets just say for example an individual posts stuff that break rules and are reprimanded for it. Fine, it is the job of the Hive Watchers to flag those accounts. It is not the job of a swarm of abusive Whales to collectively downvote every single post and comment. They are literally doing just that. They are downvoting every post and comments no matter what, even when rules aren't being broken. This is abuse of power and needs to stop. This is not an invalid argument as the Hive Watchers falsely accused me of in their application. There are clear patterns of abuse and retaliation dating back to December of last year on Madam's account. You can confirm this fact for yourselves here: and here:

I will list many of the accounts below. These are probably not all of the accounts participating in this massive voting ring. But i have certainly collected a lot of them.

Here they are: @unsubscribe, @vaipraonde, @sagarkothari88, @spaminator, @replicantua, @bgmoha, @galenkp, @whangster79, @abh12345, @freebornsociety, @hyun-soo, @anonymous02, @gejzep and @bestofph..

Guys.. Take action please. This kind of abuse has no place in this platform. Please report all of the above accounts to the Watchers. We don't need the Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg with their cronies here collectively suppressing individuals for power and control.

Here is the link where you will be reporting this sotuation to the Watchers >

@light0n, @true.1, @wieger, @ferris, @nick.ds, @RG10, @christopherkramer.10, @aaron.kesel, @SampleDeLight, @Mackemacchiato, @CrYpToSpEaRo, @Crypto.buzzer, @texas.patti, @josephlizyness, @McCoy, @ruel.chavez, @haunschild, @ericetlafindumonde, @Dallyboy, @Nfthere, @CryptoCouple_JED, @vickyanne, @Cryptokingdom78, @mortal.kombat, @decentcrypto, @janvaneyck, @simon.sharman, @titansofdirt, @ezuntimmy, @ezunjoshy, esmeree.sterling, @sudhir,, @john.mccallum, @gregg.mccallum, @gina.bella, @ShadeFlowers, @brezelminer @bejodohmen.

Those who i have tagged please take action. We cannot allow one of the few platforms where we have some freedom to become like, twitter, youtube and facebook, where a collective few have a set of rules, and the majority have another set of rules. With Hive we clearly see a pattern of a swarm of Whales coming together to attack every single post no matter what, just because the person said something they may not have liked on a certain post or another. These swarm of downvotes come with no warning along with them.

This is not about @madam-ak you all. This is about the future of this platform. Today she is encountering abuse via a downvoting ring retaliating against her for whatever reason, no matter if her posts and comments break Hive Rules or not, just because a very questionable post last year was attacked for breaking Hive Rules. For 6 straight months all of her posts have been downvoted by a swarm that gives her no warnings, just downvotes all of her posts and comments, and they do not care whether these posts are breaking rules or not. Heck, they are breaking the rules through this abuse. Unless of course, Hive only implements a set of rules for some, and another for the Collective running rings to supress speech in retaliation. I would be fighting this battle for any of you here on SoMee if you were being persecuted, discriminated and retaliated against. So, this is not about her. This can happen to any of us. Today it is happening to her. Tomorrow it may be happening to you. Please contribute in fighting along our side for this cause, if you really want a better future for decentralized social media. Thank you all..


Greywarden > I am currently trying to report the following accounts, and more for runni


You know why this user was downvoted and if you don't please refer to your own post below where @traciyork explains it at length.

You speak of freedom of expression, and the user you so vehemently defend used hers to try and gain reward for the same work multiple times, and was warned about it and other such matters. I have no clue about the whole story and I don't care about it...but I'll say've used your freedom of expression here as is your right and I applaud and encourage that.

Now, because you have and enjoy that right, it makes sense that others can also enjoy the same right as you do. Right?

Furthermore, I am not involved in any "downvoting rings". When I downvote I do it of my own free will and independently of others. I make the choice to upvote and downvote and I personally click the button. I wanted to make that very clear because if you persist in linking me with downvoting rings I will take some action...use my freedom of expression so to speak.

So, feel free to continue to use your freedom of expression as you wish, but do not for a moment think that others don't have the same right. Just as you use your freedom of expression in this post, expect others to do the same with upvotes or downvotes. Freedom of expression is for everyone right? I'm sure you agree as you have said so.


That link saved me the trouble of figuring out what this was all about. I can see madam'k's posts just fine despite the low rep like all accounts with 0 and negative rep, their posts/comments can remain visible and it only takes an extra click to see "display post" to do it. The account isn't prevented from interacting with the blockchain or reaching out to other users on the platform.

To Greywarden:

There's no stopping someone to setup multiple bot accounts just to comment spam, see this case: for max use of that free speech even when the account is flooded with comments to stfu, no one can stop it because welcome to the decentralized blockchain.

Note 1: I follow Galenkp's downvote trail automatically set.
Note 2: My upvotes oppress people.
Note 3: Depending on the my mood, I may be inspired to shitpost this as a prompt.


You're welcome adamada, a pleasure to save you some time.


Hi @adamada and thank you for joining us. I am aware of gangstalking's account.. However, there is no comparison between @madam-ak's posts and gangstalking. Gangstalking's account is a spam account that spams the same exact messages a trillion times. Yes, i know about the clicking display post to view it. @traciyork explained this to me. The fact that it is visible or not does not excuse the abuse @adamada of collective coordinated downvotes.

Posted using SoMee


The fact that it is visible or not does not excuse the abuse of collective coordinated downvotes.

Would the same principle apply to users who coordinate their upvotes? Can coordinated upvotes become an abuse? what if people just collectively agree they like the post, it's not wrong? what if people just collectively disagree and don't like the post? where do you want to put the line in abuse and not when it comes to collective voting?


Very good question @adamada and i am super glad you brought this up. I am under the impression, and there is verifiable facts, even screenshots about what i am going to mention, of coordinated circle jerking upvoting campaigns being attacked.

Every single somee account accused of this crime came under attack and blacklisted because of this. Later they were reinstated however through an appeals process with the Watchers.. I can bring those individuals who were accused and blacklisted for having voting rings to bring more clarity to our conversation here if you wish. So, based on this, the Watchers do indeed consider coordinated upvoting a violation. Unless this has recently changed and i am not aware of it.

Posted using SoMee


This little hive downvotes war is why I hate social media. A bunch of basement dwelling rats that feel like a czar having the ability to hate on someone just for fun. I thought hive would be different vs the old days of web2 where people create content and the corporation profits off your back, I guess I was wrong in thinking that web3 would be the future of allowing people to create content and earn. This is why hive is trashcan and yet the most underrated blockchain at the same time.


So, based on this, the Watchers do indeed consider coordinated upvoting a violation. Unless this has recently changed and i am not aware of it.

I think you misunderstand the part where I'm just asking for myself and NOT serving as a representative for the Watchers which I have no affiliation to or right to speak on their behalf. As for the blacklisted accounts and etc, if you're referring to the Watchers, they are one organization among many organizations that exist on Hive. They can claim to be official on their own but it's up to whoever wants to believe that in a decentralized ecosystem.

How they define abuse is up to them and other communities don't necessarily have to subscribe to what their definition of abuse is. People can make up their own rules like how coordinated upvotes is ok because the system allows it to be. Coordinated downvotes, while it sucks, is still allowed by the system. It's people that define the abuse and if you want to disagree or agree, you're going to accept the decentralization part of the ecosystem.

Don't generalize my participation with downvoting as being part of the system/group/organization, it can at times but not all the time. I downvote content because I don't like it once in a while. There's a lot of content I'd be downvoting here had I have more time to curate on Hive. Doesn't necessarily mean they violated anything, I just don't like the content or it being rewarded, or whatever floats my boat because freedom of expression.

The fact that can be verified is that everyone can collective use their votes for up and down and be coordinated with it. Voting is still an expression of speech.


Great explanation @amada. I was under the impression that the Watchers were the sole Hive Regulators in the Platform. Thanks for clarifying that for me @adamada, and certainly i am glad the Watchers are not the sole Authority on Hive and that the individual has a say. My apologies for my miss judgment. I will definitely take you at your word that you didn't have bad intentions in all of this. I truly appreciate people as you that are willing to debate matters and bring up great arguments.

Posted using SoMee


Good morning @galenkp. Yes, i am quite aware of my post and conversation with @traciyork and her concerns about a post she felt violates Hive Rules 6 months ago because it wasn't well sourced. The defendant claims she indeed sourced it and at the time was a SoMee admin. So there was a lot of back and forth about this..

I am not vehemently defending anyone as you falsely accuse me. I am against abuse, retaliation and discrimination. I would defend you if you were the victim of something like that as well. I am not even saying she didn't break rules. All i am however saying is, can you prove every post of hers you downvoted from 10 days ago to 6 days ago is in violation of Hive Rules? I have the trail of recent downvotes and the same names appear. It seems very coordinated. You downvoted every single post she posted from 10 days ago to 6 days ago. Doesn't look like something you just decided to do because of rule breaking. And on top of that fact, you never even left comments in the comment section as to what rules she was breaking prior nor immediately after downvoting every post.

I am not against anyones freedom to downvote as you once more accuse me erroneously. I downvote tons of people when they break the rules and explain to them the reason why i have downvoted them. These people are in my own community, and the majority of them have blocked me from the SoMee main platform because of this. What i do not do is downvote every single post for days, even the ones that do not break any rules, for that would definitely be extremely abusive from my part considering i am an SME whale.

And lastly, can you prove intent? You are assuming she intended to farm digital currency for the same content. I am sorry to break it down to you. But i did not see her publishing the same exact content on any of the posts you downvoted from 10 days ago, to 6 days ago. The fact is that your downvotes seem to be very malicious, and the intent seems malicious and retaliatory. So don't try to spin this and make it look like i am crazy for noticing the obvious here.

Posted using SoMee


As I said, I don't care what happened. I'll say it again, I don't care what happened.

I also said previously, I am not involved in any "downvoting rings". When I downvote I do it of my own free will and independently of others. I make the choice to upvote and downvote and I personally click the button.

It is not coordinated.

I will take action if you continue to implicate me in a downvoting ring, I am a man of my word which you can test me out on if you like. I am happy to use my freedom of expression and as someone who champions freedom of expression I will assume you will applaud my actions.

Please don't implicate me or involve me in this matter any further, this is me asking you nicely.

This is the last correspondence I will leave you.


Hi galenkp,

After reading @greywarden100 post and your response. I would like to highlight -

It is easy to say "I don't care what happened" AFTER damaging reputation and ring downvoting.

Where there is freedom of speech and expression there is also responsibility. Exploitation of that power is NOT freedom, it's abuse, malicious and a violation.

I understand that each hive user who have been found guilty will try and justify their wrong doing. It is very evident and visible of all the group downvote campaign sprees that are going on to discourage, silence and showcase hate, which damages the hive reputation and violates it.

We may belong to different Social tribes and may not agree with a 'few content' but to aggressively abuse and deny the truth which is clearly visible and saying that you don't care what happened after the damages, then push it on previous incidents, when the names listed are of recent which includes you hence the concerns raised.

Also to clarify there are no repeated content and all posts are sourced. SoMee has it's AMAs so upon Community request, it is published, sourced and the title says SoMee Community AMA. That title can't change as that's what the Summary is about. However, every Summary published when the AMA happens, has useful and important topics discussed, shared, answered and explained in the post to keep the Community informed who were unable to attend. Aside that, we as SoMee Community members are passionate about the project and feel strong and positive about it's progress and output. So yes, we all communicate that through our posts. If hive members don't like our passion then that doesn't really serve the purpose of fulfilling good Social media partnership and tribe unity. You need to embrace, encourage and support the collaboration of various tribes.

Retaliation of this kind doesn’t serve a healthy purpose and the SoMee Community doesn't endorse abuse and malicious downvoting of THIS kind nor does Hive.

I thank all that have contributed towards this post.. Grey Warden for standing up and highlighting the injustice. Those who have come in favour and support to distinguish such violation and put an end to downvoting ring campaigns and abuse. I appreciate and respect you.

So to ALL that are involved, disliking 'a' or 'a few' publications to express is understandable, but reoccurring malicious downvoting ring attacks to abuse and cause damages is undeniably not and unacceptable.

Please work together, not against each other.



Yes, i am quite aware of my post and conversation with @traciyork and her concerns about a post she felt violates Hive Rules 6 months ago because it wasn't well sourced. The defendant claims she indeed sourced it and at the time was a SoMee admin. So there was a lot of back and forth about this..

Nope, the three downvotes I issued weren't a matter of opinion. The first post I downvoted (after first leaving a comment to make sure she understood) was an almost exact repost of one @madam-ak had done in October 2022, which had the added issue of being copied from a SoMee tutorial. Regardless of whether she originally wrote it, she still recycled the content.

The second post I downvoted was in response to a post she'd done with a plagiarized photo. As that had already paid out, I downvoted and commented on a post that hadn't yet paid out instead. Because plagiarism is never acceptable.

The third and last downvote was on a post that was again just repeating exactly what someone else said, with no original content. Why would she think she could monetize someone else's work, with or without sourcing?

You both still seem to think this is simply a matter of a difference in opinion, and I suppose in some respects you are correct. However, it is the opinion of the vast majority of the Hive community that people who try to abuse the reward pool through recycling & plagiarism should not be allowed to continue. And that's a fact.


No, this is not a matter of opinions. Rules are rules and need to be followed. The above is for Madam to bring clarity to the exact posts you are referring to that were in violation, as we do need to see the other side as well.

You had your reasons i am sure to downvoting the posts. I never accused you of doing anything illegal. What i do understand is that you went your way and she went hers and there was no further contact between you and her.

The problem is that 6 months later, her account gets collectively downvoted for problems that are completely unrelated to what happened 6 months ago and her reputation taken down below zero. Posts that do not break rules cannot be treated as if they broke rules, unless of course this is the way Hive Operates which would not be fair at all if that is the case.

I'd like to see @madam-ak return and see a counter argument from her regarding this matter you brought up. The only way we can get to the truth of the matter is through putting our right to the freedom of expression in use. Correct information can only be reached through a debate process where the person with the strongest arguments wins the debate. This is precisely why i created this post. So we can get to the truth of this matter. I am not defending anyone, although it might appear that i am defending @madam-ak, i am actually not. I am allowing her to defend herself through this post and a previous one where we can actively engage and get to the truth of the matter. It really makes me happy that you and others are participating in bringing clarity to all of this. However, many things are left without an explanation. Such as why an attack on her reputation for something that happened 6 months ago?


Downvote disputes are not a part of HW scope. Don't spam HW forms.

Hive gives everyone freedom, similarly it gives freedom to downvote.

Thanks for understanding ☺️


I've no idea why you assume that my post is against an individual's freedom to downvote. I agree 100% with you that it is correct for the freedom to downvote to exist. I would hate downvotes or upvotes to be policed. However, Hive does not tolerate abuse. If an individual account is spamming and plagiarizing content, Hive holds his/her account responsible and even blacklists him/her. That means of course that Hive should also hold accounts accountable that create abusive voting rings who's efforts are to destroy an individual's reputation on Hive in order to silence that individual. This kind of reaction towards every post whether they break rules or not, just because the individual may have broken a rule at some point, is indeed abuse and should be treated in the same manner as the spammers and other violators are treated.


HW wrote a proposal
Defined their scope
Won proposal votes by majority

In their scope downvote disputes where not included. If you think hw should do it, then that's incorrect as they don't offer this service.

Your alternative options are start a similar project like freezepeach, offer counter upvotes and gather people to support you or start a new proposal and get the proposal support on it then do what you stated in proposal. It is wrong to spam hw forms as it's not in their defined scope.


Thanks grey for standing up against these abusive accounts you did great.


Now he should go to war about circle jerking between somee users… so the 2.4 million minted daily could be spread to more than 24 persons……………………. I know i know i tend to upvote poeple who has the same upvote power than me but still this doing is detrimental to somee


Got banned by ***** on telegram because I was annoying. Those in power tend to use it. I will look by myself on the link you posted and complain too. Freedom of speach must be protected! FREEEDOOMMMM!!!


I’ll get this done tomorrow. Thanks for bringing this to our attentions!


Sorry i was not here to interfere in this matter. I've read all the comments and he has no excuse, downvoting an account is normal but destroying her reputation is really bad. Thats for offenders and i dont see anything wrong she has done so far. I get the strong would alway prey on the weak. I guess the did is done what we need to do is fine a way go restore her reputation. I've been here a long time all the whales would look away and give you no ears. So lets look for a reasonable solution to this mess.


Hello @adamada, @traciyork and @madam-ak. I would like to know what rules this post actually broke >

Why are the following accounts @bgmoha, @replicantua, @scamforest, and @samuraiscam downvoting posts that aren't breaking any rules? Why can't they leave a message enlightening us about the rules this post is breaking? I mean, she is the owner of the image and thus has rights to it as she has specified on that post. Although the image didn't download as i couldn't even see it for some reason.

Are they interested in running an individual out of the platform? This is harrasment. This collective consistently group downvoting need to stop these attacks. They are running people away from the platform and this is not good at all for adoption. Madam is truly considering leaving Hive. She has a following and is influencial.. If her posts are breaking rules, it is helpful to point out what rules she breaking.. We should be helping each other, not attacking people in the platform. Downvoting posts that do not break any rules is a bad look.

In fact, pointing out what rules posts like these are breaking would be very informative to not just i, but to @madam-ak and everyone else that is not seasoned on Hive, as that will make her, and everyone else that is following us here aware that such rules exist.


These are called downvote trails and it's like upvote trails but reversed. One account downvotes and the other accounts are automated to follow. It doesn't necessarily mean multiple people are involved, you can make multiple accounts and do the same thing which makes it look like a mob. As for the account that triggered the downvote trail, probably best to ask about it and if they don't give you a response, well that's their move~

And if all rational explanation fails, you can just attribute it to someone disliking you without breaking any rules. I don't know. I don't speak for them. I don't know why it has to be rules broken that caused the downvotes. Can't people just trigger dislike/downvote because they have other reasons than rule breaking?


It would be interesting to know their insensitive reasons to downvote a post that is in memory of a deceased Grandmother to drain out and acquire the appreciated upvotes for their personal gain.

Why would they be automated to follow? Do others have to influence their choices, likes/dislikes, where self decisions are lost through following, copying or dictating.

The unreasonable continuity of this kind showcases a trend of hate and unwelcoming behaviour towards community who are bridging ties with hive from various tribes.

Those from hive who have joined our platform and tribe have been supported, encouraged, welcomed and appreciated through upvotes and comments. Infact been even more welcoming to collaborate and bridge communities as one.

Using ones right to downvote is one thing. Conducting malicious continuous group ring downvoting campaign groups to drain rewards off of others to influence the reward pool for personal gain is another.


Made a reply to grey above that tackle on some points.

Why would they be automated to follow? Do others have to influence their choices, likes/dislikes, where self decisions are lost through following, copying or dictating.

Automated to follow upvotes because I don't have time to curate content and want the rewards for my staked Hive, this is for automated upvote trails. For automated downvote trails, there are curators I trust that use their stake to downvote posts that spam or plagiarize or do something stupid so my stake gets used in support of their call because I don't have the time to be present for all dramas.

Using ones right to downvote is one thing. Conducting malicious continuous group ring downvoting campaign groups to drain rewards off of others to influence the reward pool for personal gain is another.

Only know for sure when they actually reason for whatever cause they're trying to run you off for. Digital rep on the blockchain doesn't do much here. An account with 43 rep is less credible than an 65 rep account? Just saying some digits don't matter.


Hi @adamada.

I understand your positon and agree people have the right to dislike you of course. However, these accounts are clearly weaponizing when downvoting. The only reason for this is that downvoting, along with Hive Downvoting power has an impact on one's reputation and it becomes a weapon used to silence the individual they do not like. Forget the Hive Pools. @madam-ak is a completely irrelevant individual to the Hive Pools as 99% of the users that upvote her have no Hive Power. Most of her earnings come in the form of SME which is not effected by these individuals that are downvoting her anyways.

If someone didn't like her posts, and her reputation wasn't affected by the downvote, it wouldn't be a weapon to silence her and i wouldn't see a problem at all with it, as only her Hive earnings would be effected which are not much at all anyways. But since those downvotes do have an impact on someone's reputation, they become a weapon. I don't know where you live, but me, being a United States Citizen, i have a first amendment right to bear arms. That however does not mean my rights are extended to just shooting up everyone i dislike to silence them. No man, no problem as Stalin said is not how things work in an economy where the individual is empowered rather than the collective. This person or group collective are being abusive as they know they can silence her by consistently downvoting her.


However, these accounts are clearly weaponizing when downvoting. The only reason for this is that downvoting, along with Hive Downvoting power has an impact on one's reputation and it becomes a weapon used to silence the individual they do not like.

When madam's reputation was affected by the downvotes, what was affected? the digits or her actual reputation as a person? was she less of herself when you saw her account got -1 to -5 or will she be even lesser at -15? the numbers changed, but the person's good standing in the community (if she has that reputation) are not affected. I don't know how serious this matter is at your end but these things shouldn't be taken seriously. Like, does an account with 5 reputation here be less than a rep of 65? what's the difference? digits that don't matter and validation by numbers I guess. It just shows they get support from people staked.

What about freedom of speech and silencing them? this isn't twitter, facebook, or other centralized platforms, if you reblog and make her posts visible, I'll see them still if I follow you on my feed. Shadow bans here don't count for anything, you can get -20 rep and still be annoying and the silence you're talking about is just one click to view post away, then there's other frontends that can still access her content even if one isn't available.

I don't know where you live, but me, being a United States Citizen, i have a first amendment right to bear arms. That however does not mean my rights are extended to just shooting up everyone i dislike to silence them. No man, no problem as Stalin said is not how things work in an economy where the individual is empowered rather than the collective. This person or group collective are being abusive as they know they can silence her by consistently downvoting her.

Sounds like a privileged 1st world problem to me. Where I'm from, I constantly wish dislikes and downvotes are the only things I have to worry about for speaking up, but instead there's media slander, death threats, and online to digital harassment will entail if I got well opinionated about a public issue.

Despite how much freedom of speech threat the Western culture has been reeeing online, from my point of view, you still have it easy than being vocal here where getting a lead to the head without any resolution for decades is the norm. I'm sorry, I just don't see it as grave as you but I'm not discounting that this problem is serious and real from where you're at.

If it bothers her mental health, maybe stepping out from Hive, which embraces the toxic parts of decentralization along with its good is not the best place to promote her stuff. Everyone will eventually encounter this problem if they want to embrace web3 as part of the freedom of speech.

If a group were downvoting me without any records of public disagreements, just sporadic downvoting from out of nowhere, no explanations provided whatsoever, does that do the downvoters a favor? 3rd party eyes would just see accounts downvoting it without a reason. It's not giving the downvoters any good and it just looks like madam is minding their own business.


@adamada while your response are at length, they are also very contradicting. If the matter is not of importance, then why adamant to downvote and do so, so persistently.

Whilst mentioning freedom of speech, then why try and silence someone from posting what they wish to say or share. You mention "if you reblog and make her posts visible, I'll see them still if I follow you on my feed".. Why should my post be rebloged by anyone other than me for it to be visible. After all, it's my content, I should be visible without being muted.

Further to your statement, "When madam's reputation was affected by the downvotes, what was affected? the digits or her actual reputation as a person?". This @adamada is like saying, when crypto currency crashed what was affected? The digits or your actual fiat? If the person is not invested, it doesn't make any difference to them nor do they understand and say carefree statements such as,"I don't know how serious this matter is at your end but these things shouldn't be taken seriously." As you are not affected in the matter you don't think much of it. Trusting someone and following blindly their upvote and downvote trend without a mind of their own, which affects the essence of the content creators efforts and who truly put in their time while those of you who don't put in the effort to create content as you mentioned due to not having time, but have the time to see what the others are downvoting, select the same post, agree on their disagreed post which you yourself haven't read to make your own true choices and downvote it as a circle ring. Sounds like alot of time in hand to me and could be put to use in truly reading the content, especially when it was as sensitive as appreciating ones deceased Grandmother. Blindly 'trusting' the downvoter because you don't have time isn't showcasing correct choices nor displaying true ethical choices.

On the other hand you mention, "If it bothers her mental health, maybe stepping out from Hive, which embraces the toxic parts of decentralization along with its good is not the best place to promote her stuff". A very unwelcoming approach by hive and through group downvoting circle rings the group are trying to do just that. Push users away, discourage and mute them, and blame it on not being able to handle it and its toxicity. Why should I or anyone go to a point of "stepping away from hive". It's a platform for everyone and if anything needs to 'step away' it is this discouragement and very toxic behaviour. The hive community needs to appreciate content of every kind, and allow the community to grow by bridging other tribes and giving them that decentralised freedom.


If the matter is not of importance, then why adamant to downvote and do so, so persistently.

For your case, it doesn't as there's no monetary incentive to take out from your posts but for others that belong under the category of spam/plagiarized content and sometimes content I just don't like being rewarded, there's an incentive for me to chip off a few cents off it.

Whilst mentioning freedom of speech, then why try and silence someone from posting what they wish to say or share. You mention "if you reblog and make her posts visible, I'll see them still if I follow you on my feed".. Why should my post be rebloged by anyone other than me for it to be visible. After all, it's my content, I should be visible without being muted.

I wouldn't see your content unless I go actively look for it or someone handed it to me by reblogging on their feed. Whether you have a high rep or negative rep, it's visible.

A very unwelcoming approach by hive and through group downvoting circle rings the group are trying to do just that.

I don't represent anyone, just my take. If Hive is just causing me headaches, I see no point in engaging with it. You can have a group of people downvoting but there are individual reasons, don't lump mine with anyone else.

Sounds like alot of time in hand to me and could be put to use in truly reading the content, especially when it was as sensitive as appreciating ones deceased Grandmother. Blindly 'trusting' the downvoter because you don't have time isn't showcasing correct choices nor displaying true ethical choices.

That's your opinion on how I use my stake AND my time. Assuming I blindly trust the downvoter is another flaw here, Galenk messages me or I check what's with the drama whenever my name gets mentioned/tagged or dm'ed. It goes the same for people I set to follow their downvotes. If I don't agree with the call, I just remove the downvote and move on or remove them from my trail. I Indulge in a conversation like this when there's a discussion or avoid it when someone already says what's on my mind.

Why should I or anyone go to a point of "stepping away from hive". It's a platform for everyone and if anything needs to 'step away' it is this discouragement and very toxic behaviour.

I don't know, did my time and also other people stepped out of the platform some time whenever Hive's toxicity or crypto space toxicity disrupted their fun. If this is the kind of thing people want to be in, so be it.
