Sunflowers always reminds me of my Grandma


Sunflowers always reminds me of my Grandma. She really loved flowers, especially these. You could see it from her painting art work, stitching, house decor and conversations. A woman of great strength, dignity, piousness and wisdom. She held the family together and till date, provides us all with great memories to cherish and learn 💕

RIP Granny. You live in our heart and are remembered 💐

Those who have their elders still around, enjoy each day with them. Learn about their journey, implement their advice, express your gratitude and shower them with love. Spending time with our Grandparents and receiving their blessings is the most blessful and valuable gift 🎁

Image Source: Madam.A Photography (Own)

#sunflowers #memories #grandma #rip #blessings
