My response to a Hitler defense Minister on Telegram.
Hitler Defense Minister > "Well he technically did by forcing them into concentration camps. Hitler in the beginning did not want war. He was very reluctant to go to war. But Jews declared war on him because he went against the workings of the bankers and eliminated sexual depravity in Germany.
I've never heard you HAD to eliminate the Jews to be a National Socialist. The evidence suggests to the contrary that Hitler was not the evil monster society made him to be. You make an interesting argument on the stock market though. I'll give you that."
@greywarden100 > You just said it. He forced them into concentration camps. That is the true nature of a collectivist that dispised the notion of the individual. And he wasn't reluctant to go to war. He wrote about the importance of the nature of war in Mein Kampf in order to conquer space and have the resources needed to implement full socialism for the Aryan Race Collective. He had a four year plan to implement full Socialism and war was definitely a requirement and inevitable. Like i said, i take Hitler at his word and he did exactly what he said he would do although he failed at conquering the east because he lost. Conquering the East was part of his plan to bring about full National Socialism.
Hitler's National Socialism also had individuality strapped in the back. He claimed to honor the individual but had a major contradiction. He said Jews were individualistic capitalist. Yet he stripped the Jews off their individuality and persecuted the German Jews collectively based on what the Bolsheviks did in Russia.
Furthermore, he strongly believed to have a strong nation there must be purity of blood. Mixing with other racial groups weakens the blood of the nations and thus erraricates the chances of building a civilization, as according to Hitler, only Aryans could build nations. There aren't individuals at all in Hitler's mind. He just claimed he was for the individual. Yet there is no way he could have the individual and at the same time collectivise the Aryan Race. Why? Because individuality completely destroys the notion of a race collective. There cannot be a race collective when individuals are out for themselves and competing with other individuals. Individualism and Collectivism are Polar opposites!
So yes, Hitler couldn't be a National Socialist if he never, tried, did nor intended to do what he said he would do which was to exterminate the Jews not only from Germany, but from the face of the earth!