Street Food: When you walk on Wednesday, you eat on the "street"

The weather forecast read by an overly optimistic news anchor did not give me hope that there would be a chance for a more serious walk.

However, looking out the window, we concluded that there is still hope.

The only question left was: "And what will we have for lunch?".
"As if it matters", I told her, "when I walk for #wednesdaywalk, I can eat something along the way, some fast food or some street food".

We went for a walk to our Tašmajdan. In order not to risk getting completely wet, if the predicted rain starts to fall, we drove to the parking lot near Tašmajdanski Park.

On one side of the street we were passing, there is a fence of the old Tašmajdan quarry(I have to try to enter that underground complex one day),

And on the other side, the RTS national television building.

Our hated and regime television RTS, which was often the target of attacks at various gatherings...
But our national television is there for us to judge it and to argue and reconcile with the editors of the programs that are aired, but it is not there to be attacked by a much more powerful "enemy".

The damaged part of the television building still stands as a reminder of the unjust aggression of the NATO pact, and a little further on a monument with the question "Why".

"Why" did 16 of our fellow citizens, friends, parents, brothers and sisters, television workers lose their lives in the bombing of this building on the night between April 22 and 23, 1999?

Perhaps the Lord God, whose two houses are located in close proximity, one Serbian Orthodox, St. Mark's Church, and the other Orthodox, Russian Church, knows the answer to this question...

The question will remain forever, and whether we will ever find out the answer remains a secret...

We continue our walk towards the park and at the moment when we thought that we will enjoy the peace and quiet like every time we walk through this park, we hear music.
We go in the direction from where the music is amplified and along with the music, the roar of children and their parents also appears...

In the middle of the park, there is a big stage from which music is played, below it, drinks are sold, and further down, in rows on both sides, kiosks are placed where food is sold.

A sign with the inscription "Streetfood festival Palilulac" announces to us that we have made a good choice by deciding to walk and that we should not worry about what we will have for lunch.

We make our way through the crowd looking at the food on offer.

Classic barbecue, gyros, patties and sausages, pizzas, hotdogs, burgers, dumplings, there's everything for everyone's taste...

The "Profa" kiosk, which offers wok meals, attracts the most attention.

We decide on stuffed dumplings as an appetizer (mix with vegetables, chicken and beef), and wok with chicken for the main course.

I don't think I've ever, except when I'm preparing food myself, been this close to where food is being prepared.

As the heat of the flame from the Wok fire warmed my face, the smell of the prepared food whetted my appetite.

I felt a little sorry for the guys who were preparing the food, because the heat of the pan, together with the hot day, contributed to their being quite warm in the kitchen, but they reassured me with the comment "We are from the sea, from Dubrovnik, we are used to the heat".

Satisfied with the appearance and size of the portion, with a tip for the wok masters and their "Thank you", we walk between the tables looking for a free seat...

Once we've eaten our meals, we grab a coffee to go and make another lap around the park.

The clouds gathering in the sky above our heads seem to me as if the words of the smiling presenter will come true and it will rain.

We decide to slowly return to the car and go home, while in the Tašmajdan park, on the benches of the food festival, we leave numerous visitors, who do not pay attention to the rain clouds at all.

In the end, we made a good decision, combined the beautiful and the useful, walked in the park and had lunch under the open sky, while attending a festival (And we didn't get wet 🙂).

Quite enough for this Wednesday...

Thank you for stopping by my post and I hope you enjoyed the photos and the story I shared with you

All photos are my property, taken with a mobile phone


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Can you send me some stuffed dumplings hahaha? The fire looks a bit dangerous, I imagine my hair would not survive if I worked as those guys 😂


There is a saying, that stuffed dumplings "disappeared in the form of a swallow's tail". 😁

This much fire at 1m is scary. I can only imagine what it's like for those who hold these pans...
Drops of sweat fall from their foreheads down their faces. And hands, as if depilated.


Haaa doenst matter where in the world you are, all of the food vans are the same!

Damn, now I'm hungry again! 🤣


I'm sorry that the rain threatened to wash us away,
I couldn't wait for these corn(hot)dogs that "Fat bear" made in the kiosk.
The last one in the offer, "Hot dog fries - Hot dogs in crispy dough with pieces of french fries", seemed the most interesting to me.😃

I'm not hungry now, I don't even want to think about food.
My stomach hurts a lot. I screwed up so a few hours ago i drank a double espresso and ate a green smith apple. My stomach has been killing me for the last three hours.🤕


Yeah it looked like a great day anyway though...

And it's all very exciting when you see food vans, it gives it such a festival atmosphere, BUT they are very expensive, atleast here anyway. But then everything is expensive here- especially in Melbourne....

So I hear that Spain is pretty cheap- Europe in general, so what about Serbia?

Wow a green apple AND a double espresso! what an 'interesting' and obviously volatile combination...💩🤣😫

If you're near a bar that has Bitters, have a dash of bitters in Soda water, that will help. Thats actually a great aid for indigestion (Bartenders home remedy...)

And goodluck with that! I hope that you feel better soon!


In Serbia, too, the last two years have seen an increase in prices (especially of food). this small portion of wok with chicken cost €8. which is for eating on the street, quite a high price, but come on, it's a festival, so it's bearable. as for the price per restaurant, there are still places where we can eat well for little money, but if alcohol is consumed with the meal, then per person, the bill turns out to be €30-40 (in the restaurants I visit). I avoid restaurants with €25+ portions and €45+ bottles of wine, because that's too much for me.


So that would be about $15 at a food van here and 8 Euros is about $13 Aud....So still slightly cheaper...

Yeah I don't even entertain the thought of eating out at a restaurant here...

But on the odd occasion I will go to a food court, but we do have good food courts here though..


So still slightly cheaper...

It should be kept in mind what the standard is here. What are the average salaries, pensions. A lot of people have a salary of around 500€, so under 1000AUD. Pensioners have pensions of €250...
With which they can eat not in a restaurant, but also on the street... People mostly cook at home, because it's the cheapest.


Ok so I have to do a comparison with your standards there, but before I do that, I can tell you that the cost of living is- with everything now is the highest that it's ever been, with massive jumps in the cost of everything but the wages have not increased for years, nor has the pensioners allowance, there's been a huge increase in homelessness for all ages, even families and the corp giants and even the government are STILL blaming it on the war in the Ukraine!

The only people over here that seem to have a excess of money to spend out on cocktails, Uber eats at hone and at the casino is the Asian population and Asian cafes and restaurants have just exploded over here- especially in the Melbourne CBD- it looks like Hong Kong now and every night they are packed full with young Asians, while the rest of us cook at home...

Even the supermarket giants, Woolworths in particular, have just had a major investigation into them conducted by the ACCC- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

and they keep falsely advertising that they are putting the prices down, so put the price up first, then put a 'special' sticker on it, so people think that they're getting something cheaper, when infact it's the same price- if not higher... and at the same time, last year they made a In the 2023 financial year, the Woolworths Group in Australia recognized a total net profit after tax of 1.72 billion Australian dollars. This represented an increase from the previous year, in which an NPAT of just over 1.5 billion Australian dollars was recorded.

So, advertising to the population that they care and they understand so we're putting the cost of everything down to help you out is absolutely blatant lies as we don't have too many other choices to buy our groceries...anyhooo, sorry rant

So I hear it is sooooooooooooo much cheaper to live in Europe...Belgrade looks pretty damn schmick too! 😍🤣


Only because Serbia was part of Yugoslavia until 1991, in which communism and socialism ruled, today there are no homeless people on the streets.
That socialist regime in the second half of the 20th century, enabled the population to get or cheaply buy real estate in which to live. That's why today our pensioners have a roof over their heads.
In the last 20 years, this has not been the case, real estate is bought on credit by people who have regular and slightly higher incomes, so they are not at risk.
As for fake discounts in stores, i'm sick of it. Previously raised prices, now they are on discount and in the end, the price is higher than it was. and so constantly.

The truth. In Europe, at least food is cheaper than here. The only question is the price of renting real estate and other living expenses.
The war in Ukraine has led to the fact that in Serbia (in Brograd and Novi Sad), I hear the Ukrainian/Russian language of young people and family people at every turn, who, by migrating to Serbia, have greatly increased the demand for real estate, thus leading to an increase in prices. Good for the one who rents out his apartment, but inconvenient for the one who doesn't have one, so he has to rent it.


Yes same here, sick of the bs that the spin doctors create around helping people out, lowering prices...

And that is one of the reason we have seen a massive increase in rentals fees and a lack of rentals here is the Asian and Indian populations moving in, buying them all up..

Like I said, the Melbourne CBD now looks like Hong Kong and I'm not actually talking about the established Chinatown either, I'm talking about the general CBD...

So glad to hear that the pensioners do have a roof over there heads because of the history of the Communist and socialist parties back then.

So from a local perspective, it was good living in that time under communism and socialism?


From this perspective, the time when Yugoslavia was led by Josip Broz Tito, from the end of World War II to 1980, was a difficult but beautiful time to live.

Back then, our country was "united", economically strong, organized...
Then American presidents, the Queen of England, numerous world leaders, politicians, famous actors and actresses, the world's elite came to visit us.
Today, when someone is joking, often say: "What was built and made in Tito's time, these political leaders today cannot even paint", but unfortunately, there is no joke...


So why was a difficult but beautiful time to live?

It you were; all united, there was peace and prosperity for everyone, the government were doing the right thing by the was a popular tourist destination for so many of the worlds elite..


So why was a difficult but beautiful time to live?

My parents told me...
The country was under construction, mass labor actions were organized, cities, bridges, roads, tunnels were built... Factories were built, industry was started... A lot had to be done and it was difficult, for the general good of the country...
But at the same time, it's nice when you create something and contribute.

And all that failed in the years of the country's disintegration after 1991.


Oh such a shame that the post 1991 progression was actually a regression.

But the difficulties living amongst mass construction is what we're dealing with here in Melbourne every day.

Everything in the city is still under construction, due to mass explosion in population over the past few years.

From mass amounts of residential complexes, business districts, roads, the bypasses and freeway (still...), the train tunnels think 4 years later...and still years to go..residential houses, Melbourne hasn't stopped building since I moved here in 2005 and the entire city has been one entire mass construction zone that's one of the many reasons why I am so happy to live where I do, so the roadworks do not affect me too often as I walk everywhere (when I'm not hermiting in my private paradise) but I know that millions of other commuters in both cars and PT feel the pain every day because of this constant state of chaos...

But as you say, for the general good of the country/city, it's nice when you create something and contribute.

Melbourne was about 3 Million when I first moved here in 2005, now I believe its past 5.5mil and still growing quickly..and now there's a housing shortage too- for most economic demographics, but particularly middle to lower class, young and families..


Are those roses on the middle of food festival tables, they are so lovely. I admire the place perfect for some outdoor unwindings.
"No worries we are from the sea!" We are used to the fire!! Had me laughing.😍😅


This time I didn't pay attention to the roses in the middle. I was hungry, I was looking for food 🙂

That rose garden is continuously over 50 m long and if you want to pass from one side to the other from kiosk to kiosk, you have to go in a circle...

I was in Dubrovnik a couple of years ago at the beginning of summer, in June. Judging by the temperatures back then, when everything was burning, I can bet that it was really hell for them in the summer season.
