Christian Theology in a Postmodern World: Reflections on Truth, Knowledge, and Humility


In my reflection paper, I focused on our third reading assignment. As I reflect on the readings from Richard Allen's "A Case for Christian Theology in a Postmodern World" and Herman Bavinck's "Certainty of Theological

The Relevance of Christian Theology in a Postmodern World

Knowledge", I am struck by the relevance and importance of Christian theology in today's world. In a postmodern society where truth is often relative and subjective, Christian theology offers a unique perspective on the nature of truth and knowledge. According to Bavinck, theological knowledge is not just a matter of personal opinion or experience, but rather it is based on the objective revelation of God in Scripture. This certainty of theological knowledge is not just a product of human reason or emotion, but rather it is grounded in the character and nature of God Himself.

Christian Theology and Postmodern Challenges

Allen's work highlights the challenges of doing theology in a postmodern world, where the notion of objective truth is often dismissed. However, he argues that Christian theology offers a unique contribution to the conversation, precisely because it is rooted in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Theology is not just a matter of abstract concepts or philosophical ideas, but rather it is a reflection on the living God who has revealed Himself in history. As Allen notes, Christian theology is not just a human construct, but rather a response to the divine initiative of God's revelation. One of the key takeaways from these readings is the importance of humility and epistemic modesty in theological inquiry. Bavinck notes that our knowledge of God is always partial and incomplete and that we must approach theology with a sense of reverence and awe. Similarly, Allen highlights the need for theologians to be aware of their own limitations and biases and to approach the task of theology with a sense of humility and openness to correction.

Theological Knowledge and Its Impact on Our Understanding of the World

As I reflect on these readings, I am reminded of the importance of Christian theology in shaping our understanding of the world and our place within it. In a postmodern world where truth is often fragmented and relative, Christian theology offers a unique perspective on the nature of reality and our knowledge of it. As Bavinck notes, theological knowledge is not just a matter of personal opinion or experience, but rather it is grounded in the objective revelation of God in Scripture. As I continue to explore the field of theology, I am committed to approaching this task with humility, epistemic modesty, and a deep reverence for the living God who has revealed Himself in history.

Mary Ann M. Sincero, Bachelor of Theology
