Prostitution is a no go area for me no matter the pay.

Happy new week every one.
Prostitution is a no go area for me as a job. Welcome back as we proceed straight to the discussion of the day. There are lots of jobs out there that people engage in. Just like the saying that says - ok one man's food is another man's poison. It may be possible for me to be in love with the job that another person may never want to do for any price in the whole world. We have jobs that are legal and we also have jobs that are not legal. Which ever way, some people enjoy doing both legal and illegal jobs.


Week 81:- Edition 01:-
That One Job

*What's that one job that you'll never do? No matter how attractive the pay is, you won't still do it.

Lots of people make money from this particular business. But I don't see it as what I should engage in doing. Right from when we were kids, we were made to understand that our bodies don't belong to us, but to God who does not tolerate sin. Having sex with people for money is highly against the owner of the body. This body of mine is the temple of God, he loves to see it very clean, so, having sex with someone that I am not married to for the sake of money is against his will for me.

Why that job in particular?
Because I believe that prostitution is a sin against God and man. When a lady sells her body for money, that person is actually getting in contact with alot of evil spirit that is responsible for immoral life.

Do you have a bad experience with it in the past?*

Because of the hardship that I faced while growing as a young girl, at a time I was faced with the challenge of selling my body to feed myself. Some men are very wicked. They might not want to help you except there will be something that can be given to them in return. No one was ready to help me without asking me for something in return. I believe you know what that could be.

One faithful day, one young guy living in the same compound with my aunt asked me to go out with him just as friends who lives in the same compound. I was scared at the beginning, but he promised to help me with something which I thought to myself that it is an opportunity for me to get what he has promised to give me. On the said day, I decided to go with my friend because I wasn't too sure of what was going to happen there. On our arrival, his face changed. He started asking me why I brought her to the place where he asked me to meet him. I was speechless because I never expected him to act in that manner. The next thing he said was that if I really want him to help me, then I will ask my friend to go and leave just the two of us in the room. I had no choice than to agree, but I also had my own plans. We went out to see her off. When he stopped a taxi driver for her, I was the first person to jump inside the taxi and ask my friend to enter and the taxi man drove off. That was my last day with that guy.

The picture is mine. Design with Canva app.


lol the guy had his own plan for you.

prostitution is not a good thing to do at all, std will be flying around, dangers of being used by ritualist , one guy wont be able to satisfy them anymore hence no happy home for them


That is it my brother.
Thanks for coming around. Do have a great week ahead 👍.


Although necessity sometimes compels many women, this work is not dignifying.


Thanks for your story I enjoyed reading it.

In my country, the Netherlands, prostitution is legal, but I share your opinion that you should not give away your body to someone who pays for it.

You have clearly expressed and substantiated your opinion.
Well written.


Good for you. As you say, prostitution is degrading to women and an affront to God. I'm glad you realize that.


Prostitution does not suppose to be a job initially, but the world has turned it to be a job. That's the world we lived in.

Once a woman value her self-worth instead of selling herself for money, that's a very bad thing.
I like how you stand against prostitution , this will make you excel in all your endeavors.


Lol I freaking love your title sis!

This post made a lot of sense, good job!


Thanks sis. Hope you are enjoying your week? Get ready for October.
