Glory of Allah @sanarubab 58 about 3 years ago someeofficial Glory of Allah Subhan Allah We have created man in the best of molds. "Qur'an 95: 4 (Surat al-Atin, fig.) The actual weight of the brain inside the skull is 1400-1700 grams. (1.3-1.5kg approximately) Why don't we feel such a heavy weight in our head? Because it floats in the cerebral spinal fluid and the weight of the brain is reduced by about 0.18 kg from the upper part of the water. So we don't feel the weight of it. This fluid also acts as a cushion against sudden impact or damage, helping your nervous system to function properly. One of the most valuable acts of prayer is prostration, where the fluid moves up and down on the knees and gives a kind of massage to the brain, and it is a cause of peace of mind after prayers. This is the work of God, who disposes of everything in perfect order. "(An-Naml 27:88) someeofficial someeoffical waivioutilitytoken lassecash neoxian ccc pal meme pob 0 0 0.000 0 comments