The diarygame




Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are all well. I pray that you will be happy wherever you are.

Morning time

Friends,i woke up at 5 in the morning today.after getting up,i washed my hands and face.after washing my hands and face,i had breakfast.after having breakfast,i applied toothpaste.after that,i went for a walk.after walking for a long time,i came back home.after that,i took out my motorbike and went out to cut the grass.i came back after about an hour.when i came back i drank a glass of water.after that i used my mobile for a long time then I put the mobile on charging.

Noon Time

I went to the hotel at eleven o'clock in the afternoon.i took bread's from the hotel.i came back after taking breads.when i came back i lunched.after lunched i turned on the fan and fell asleep.when i woke up three it was ringing.i got up and went to take a bath.after taking a bath,i take a cup of tea.after taking tea,i turned on the TV.i started watching the Test match between England and New Zealand.after that i went to the shop,i took some stuff,then came back.

Evening time

At seven o'clock in the evening i dinnered.after dinner i watched the drama.after that i take a cup of tea.these were my engagements for today.
Remember in prayers.

Good Bye
