Pepe Tokens Mining For Moar Tokens Almost Like Diamonds and Gold


Pepe tokens mining their ways into moar blockchain wallets and possibly yours!


Slowly adding to stake stacks of tribe tokens of Hive engine tokens, and sum others. Currently including ALIVE, BBH, BEE, CENT, FUN, HH, LEO, LOH, LOLZ, LUV, MEME, NEOXAG, PGM, PIMP, PIZZA, POB, SME, and moar.

Delegating sum of these with lolz curation bots to participate in their defi and farming ecosystem. Also built up a stack of LOLZ enough to be in the top token holders getting sum dividends.

Holding at least 10 BBH and getting a little bit of drips. Holding just enough of a few other tokens to be able to call the token bot with a comment to give a gift of sum token(s).

Most of the tokens held in this way has originated from commented token gifts of upvoter support that has these tokens staked. Aiming to use some of the tags to correlate with staked token holdings of our upvoting supporters to gain moar tokens and the value that that have and bring.

You can get / earn $PEPE tokens in a few ways. One is to visit the markets and buy them. Anotehr is writing posts with sum Pepe tags like #pepe, or #pepetoken. $PEPE tokens are also set to reward memes with the #meme tag. $PEPE tokens can be added to the liquidity pool of $PEPE:$HBD on tribaldex.

Play Hive Bits on one of our posts and find a rare Hive Bit (BLAQ, BLADGOLD, BLAQEMRLD) and you may be rewarded with sum $PEPE tokens ($PEPE, $PEPECASH, $RPEPE). The BLAQ EMERALD is the rarest and may only best be found every twenty or so days if a blockchain account plays every day given the odds of finding one being one in twenty! What ever blockchain account finds the rare BLAQEMRLD may be rewarded sum rare Pepe token of $RPEPE. None have been found for a few days now and the pool of rare Pepe is up to 0.19169004 $RPEPE! The amount to be rewarded to the next found BLAQEMRLD of $RPEPE will be worth at least 1.36+ HIVE, or moar!

Play Hive Bits With Pepe!

You may also get sum free $PEPE tokens from a token faucet on the hive blockchain known as @tokenfaucet !

FREE PEPE Token Gifts, Again With Multipliers!

With this post on the theme of mining let it be extended to reward engagement with this post with $PEPE tokens in proportion to its rewards.

Comment, reblog, share, tweet (with proof of link comment) this post for chances to get some $PEPE token rewards!

Feels Good Man!

notification list (comment to be added): @ganjafarmer

$PEPE Hive Engine - LeoDex - TribalDex

$PEPECASH Hive Engine - LeoDex - TribalDex

$RPEPE Hive Engine - LeoDex - TribalDex

Pepe Token Community Ecency - LeoFinance - PeakD


Building up that $PEPE pile, hundreds of frogs at a time.


