Froggie Tokenomix Ob Da PEPE Token

Bein' just a wit'l froggie and simplicity we just let da tokenomix (just) be(e).


We habn't a white paper, or even a green paper. Although there was a post ob sum green paper sum tiem ago. Not merrily defined. Dis is da way to flexibility. No promises so dat we may always ober deliber.

One main ting is dat there will be a Gaem. A game of frogs and battles, and cards! Tings just taking a whole. Wit a low, or rather not much of a budget at all. Dis froggie token startup is on a shoe string, no pun intended, unless..

Still BIG plans on da horizon wit a big swimmin' pool for moar tokens wit da great HIVE token in the form of a $PEPE:$HIVE pool. Dis will become at sum point. Hopin' to get other things going to build more value. To make easier to pay costs and hopn' fer a higher token value.

A;though token value stabilizin' on its own in a mostly free market. Also contributing with buying and selling. To buy back some tokens while also selling some to raise moar tokens for moar expansive plans.

Could also use a token bot of sorts to be a tipping bot if we may hab any volunteers dat may step forward up to da task.

"LIKES" and "SHARES" those help too!

We staked sum BBH tokens ober tiem. With price heading back to da release price we may sell sum closer to da release price. We shall see. Sum were placed on da market. We'll see wut habbens.

To add sumone mentioned an outpost.. Dis was a thought near da beginning. We hab'n growth challenges as many do. But gud overall. We hab numerous supporters. Being a meme coin (token) on da Hive Blockchain is certainly challenging. While one may not expect all great tings. One may still hab great hope fer such great ting(s)! $PEPE in sum parts of da crypto werld sell and raise millions and we are a far cry from dat. Please kall your whale frens. jaja Don't expect you too. But da hope is there. Once we hab da gaem in place dis will be potential for growing tokens and tings round here. Savings and Hive Power increase fer example. Just takes tiem wit a small team and budget. We're out here hab'n fun doh'!

Token value hab moar than doubled or tripled since our early days and lowest points. So dat is our success. We may bring a token from Ethereum ober sum day too. Matter of justifying da cost and wut it may bring. Who knows.. On da other hand $PEPE may be traded on da LeoDex from Ethereum using ARB. Think'n we'll get sum $PEPE coin as well in tiem to diversify tings.

Also looking for and open to partnerships. Have a few in various ways.

Feels Good Man.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Another pool would be so nice, a quick swap from SWAP.Hive to PEPE. An outpost would be super sweet! I see green.



Thinki'n we go swimming in da pool wit Hive once Gaem is goin' gud. We'll see about it da outpost n tiem. Thank you Fren. #freecompliments
