Joy, peace, freedom and love, are the things we feel, when we seek the face of God.

Some poeple are opportuned to seek God, while some, dont have the opportunity because they were not raised in the ways of God, neither were they told the power, love and grace of God.

Baptism, the first doctrine

The first doctrines of Christ is baptism, - in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit. This is what Christ ordered his disciples to do, before he ascended into heaven.

One thing that i have come to understand witht the mass indoctrination, is that, learning never ends. there is always a new thing to learn, and as such, we will always join to learn more from the doctrines of Christ, broken down to our understanding by Brother Eli Soriano.

One thing that amazed me is the fact that apostle paul, who was in the jewish religion, was once a person that caused havoc to the believers.
Its quite interesting, how God, touches the heart of men, and causes them to do his bidding. After paul became a believer, the first thing that was asked of him by God, was for him to be baptized in the name of The Father, the Son and the Holy spirit. This is to show the importance of baptism.

In the days we live, many people talk different things. False teachings are spreading like wild fire. However, it is said that, we should not accept any false teaching we receive. Always verify the information before you accept it

See the Bible scriptures:

Galatians 1:13
Acts 22:16
Matthew 28:19-20
1 Corinthians 14:37

Christ, the head of the church.

it is quite dumb, how people believe in the Christ, but are not willing to follow the things he taught. Some people even said that the church can not save us. You see how people think? how can you love somebody, but do not accept their words?

Christ, without a doubt, is the head of the church. Howeve, if we claim to love him, we must embrace his teachings and the church.

If a person refuses to receive the church, then, they should not make other people like them. if they do, they are antichrist.
Christ loves the church soo much that he purchased it with his blood. He gave himself for the chuch.

Adhor that which is evil, and cleave to that which is good.

See Bible scriptures:

Ephesians 5:23
Romans 12:9
John 12:48

The gentiles

It is well known that the Isrealites, were guided by Moses, out of the land of egypt. Isrealites are Gods, people, however, all other countries that are not the Isrealites, are called; the Gentiles.
The fact that they are not Isrealites, doesnt mean that, they are not loved by God. They are eqully loved by God. The Gentiles should unite under one body. This body is the Church. Remember, Christ is the head of the church.

See the Bible scriptures below:

Colosians 1:18

Thank you for reading


We can't claim that we love God and refuse to accept the church of God to be a part of us as seen in the book of JOHN 12:48.
God bless you brotherly for such a wonderful review
