My cleaning activities. 13/02/24

Hello everyone and welcome to my post.

Its another day and everyday presents itself with great opportunities to reach the desired goal.

I've got set goals as everything has been planned, I'm just waiting for time to gradually pass s I will readily pull my strings one after the other.

Interestingly, my colleagues are planning to travel out of the country and practice but me I'm just here, thinking of a way to make my country a better place to live in. Tsk,so much for being different.

I am always seen as myopic and a person who don't have any plans for themselves but I know what I need, and I don't go for what I want. Yeah, undoubtedly, I want to travel out, explore the ends of the earth but trust me, i don't want to come back to a place that has high rate of corruption. I want to grow old and come back to a place where I will happily live and be recognized as one of the building blocks after my demise.

I want to be buried in its ground so that my remains will nourish the flowers that fill blossom in the country. This is what I call ultimate living.

Well, I did my cleanplanet activity today and I am happy to have accomplished it. The pictures are below and I hope you like them.

Thank you for reading.

Special thanks:



Almost everyone wanting to travel and leave us here, but I thank God you aren’t leaving me too.🫣
You did a great job today
