The advent of medicine dates back many years, when civilization was still in delopment.
Its actually nice to see the amount of tecnological development that we have achieved. From being people that finds difficulty in treating malaria, to, being people that can confidently treat major sickness, and even, perform many major operations in the theatre.
From my perspective, the efficacy of modern medicine can never be compared to that of traitional medicine. Inargualy, traditional medicine was the innitial remedy for many diseases, however, there is much more risks with this type of treatments, as, it is easier to give an overdose.
If i am to pick between the traditional medicine and modern medicine, i will gladly go for modern midicine.
Though, traditional medicine is effective for treating a variety of sickess, i choose the modern medicine, because, the modern medicine has been researched on, the side effects known,as well as the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and many other releveant informations, are known.
The traditional medicine on the other hand, was not researched on, some side effects are known, and the mode of action is not properly known.
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