We are born into a planet filled with disappointments, lack of security and injustice. It will amaze you to know life is easy and stress-free without need for overthinking or fighting. One thing I have come to understand ever since I was born is that we humans are our problems.

The rise of jealousy, selfishness, laziness, greediness, deceitfulness, unfaithfulness, disloyalty e.t.c in the hearts of men has drastically changed how the world operates, thereby elevating the rate of crimes in the world.

The rate of killings, harming each other, kidnapping, stealing and so on has grown rapidly and as such, everyone is scared of doing some certain things or going to some places to avoid being harmed.

The security level is nothing to talk of because it is not helping matters. The police are ready to collect bribes and allow mass destruction take place. Tsk, so much for being on earth.

A perfect world is an imagination that can never be possible so long as there is still a trace of humans on earth. As said earlier, we are our problems.

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However, if my imaginations of a perfect world are to come true with humans still in earth, I will be really happy, because that means I can coexist and socialize with everyone irrespective of race, tribe, religion, ethnicity traditional practices and so on, without being mindful of any harm coming my way.

In a world filled with good security, no crimes, everyone loves everyone and no disputes between nation, and everything is going smoothly, I will really love it.

In this world I will want to live a very free life, being one with nature. One really want in life is to be as free and at peace as the white clouds, moving from one part of the sky to the other. However, in this kind of world, I will want to be something similar to that. Not turning into a cloud, but being free, and at the utmost peace with natural views and interesting landscapes.

Based on this, I will love to travel from one place to another, observing and exploring natural views from high mountains and rocks. I will want to sit and relax on a mountain, viewing the world to understand it better through nature. I will want to be one who is one with nature. Not living out there in the woods or mountains, but always visiting.

Everyday, my schedule will be to go out into nature, look for a high mountain with good views, climb on it and quietly read lots of books about the psychology of life in other to understand other people's thoughts/perspective.
After that, it will just be me and the world, so I could embark on critical thinking to gain more understanding.

I will really want this type of life to come true. It will be very much perfect for my mind to be at rest and feel safe from being harmed. Well, we are in a world where jealousy is the order of the day and harming each other just to get to the top is like killing a mosquito. It pains me but well, the truth is that a perfect world can never be achieved, we just have to try and build our own perfect world with loved ones inside this big world.

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Thank you for reading ☺️


If there are no disappointments then you won’t feel the taste of good things.



I think you're right.
Good things will lose its value without disappointments.

Thanks for the tip


Difficult that dream but still we could imagine right? maybe if we were extraterrestrials hehe without human feelings!!


It's just like that today's times are getting worse, no human being can see another human being progressing and there are so many security issues due to which borders have been created if they were not there or removed. People's lives would become easier.


Hmm your dream world sounds really peaceful, I hope the world can achieve peace someday because as of now so much anarchy is going on. And as for jealous people, I think that's just their nature and no matter what world they are placed in, it would always show.



Truly, this would be a perfect life it comes true. The world is really messed up by humans.

Hello dearest fashionable dreemer. Happy New Week! I hope you are ready to start the day because the day is ready for you in every way. Therefore, rise up and shine bright and don't forget to smile! I waltzed in from #dreemport, for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.


We all desire to have a quiet and peaceful world. But with the way things are going, that can only be a wish for now.

I came across this post on Dreemport
