
Hello everyone and welcome to m post. It is a new day, a bright and beautiful day with great weather, good lighting and a very calm breeze blowing cold breeze that tends to relax the muscles.

I woke up to a wonderful day and a beautiful sunrise. Lazily, I got out from the bed to face a lovely day.

After waking up and getting out of bed, I said a short prayer to give thanks to the creator and giver of life for giving me life to face another new day.

I consider each day to be an opportunity which presents itself to my doorstep so that I can do better than my previous self and be a better person in the nearest future.

I dressed up to go out my my usual activity each morning. I really love exercise because it helps me a lot with keep fit and keeping sane.
I began to walk out of my house, each step comes with the urge to start jogging. After walking for quite a few steps, I began to run. Gradually, I increased the velocity until I began to run like a person being chased by vampires. I could do this because of the cold breeze that helped to ease my exhaustion.

After a while of running, I stopped. Tired and exhausted, I walked back home to stretch out my muscles so as to avoid.muscle pulls. I did my stretching and I finished after some time. I went straight to the bathroom and took a shower, after which I went into the kitchen to prepare a hearty meal. Ate to my stomach filled up, then I went out to face the activities of the day.

One of these activities is to clean the planet. I finished cleaning the planet and I took some pictures. These pictures have been uploaded below.

Thank you for reading

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