In life,we try every thing possible to reach out goals which is every thing that matters.

Life is like a bicycle, your paddling is the factor that affects your growth.

Sometimes, we feel lazy we feel discouraged, we feel like we are not going anywhere and as such, we tend to abandon everything and retreat to our own space, sometimes to flee from the troubles while sometimes to re-strategize and betterment ourselves by properly solving the trouble.

Every one have their defense mechanism and ways of facing a problem but the major thing is having the problems solved.

Personally,I am always a serious person in life. Some people call me over serious because when I set out to do something, I restrict my self from every other thing just to get my goals accomplished.

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There are some things that I take too serious which are not supposed to be. One of these thing is random arguments. I do not know if it is how I am made, but during an argument, no matter how random it is or unserious it is, I always want it to be factual. I love bringing facts from different sources just to prove that I am unbeatable in an argument. This has lead to many people seeing me as weird because something they take as a normal, I take very very serious.

Another thing I take very serious is normal teasing and insults. As guys, we insult each other jokingly, tease each other and make jest out of our silly mistakes, but when people do this to me, I take it serious even though I know know that they are just joking. Sometimes, I tend to be withdrawn from them after such things.

I don't know why, but that is how I am made. I tried changing it but seems like I am not yet ready for that change.

In the midst of all these things, there are somethings I know that I should take very very serious but I don't.

First on this list is my education. I do take my education serious, but not as serious as I want it to be.

Sometimes, I go months without opening my books and only open it a week or two to my exams and funny enough, I will still pass all papers without having any issues. To me, I really need to give more attention to my books and read a lot.

Next on this list is relationships. One thing about me is that I do not take any relationship serious except my family.

I can let let go of a friendship of ten years for no reason. I see people as tools to be used to get what I need, and because of this, I tend to not see the most important part of friendship. Many people have complained to me about this and I am trying to change in this aspect. I really want to have real friends that I can be able to trust and be free with. At times, in my friendship, when the person accomplish what they are in my life for, I let go and look for another stepping stone.

Well, I just hope to change this soon so that I will be able to make real friends.

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Thank you for reading 😊
