RE: A friend of mine from SoMee had a bad experience on Hive


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@Holovision thank you for your response.

While this could be a possibility

a) This should be mentioned in the comments to inform the user before hand. Information on the tribe and what it entails, what content is supported and is in line with Leo Finances terms. However this wasn't the case

b) Leo Finance has been recently added as a tag to contents posted. The gang of downvote spree has been happening prior to their tag being added, so that rules the chances of being the case

Unfortunately, it is not just one person downvoting with a trail. It's the same 4 users and over night a gang of users who went on all the posts to downvote maliciously with no supported comment to justify or inform.

Creating another account is not a solution in combating such malicious behavior. Infact it encourages circle downvoting without reasoning to continue.

Thank you so much for your upvotes and support in helping to increase the reputation score.

Posted using SoMee


My guess was based on trying to put myself in the mindset of who was downvoting you and assume they were rational and had a reason. That was my best hypothesis based on that assumption and it could be wrong as many hypotheses turn out to be.

Yes, "should be mentioned" would be preferred but it's not a law or requirement. I just saw @iqraali88's reply a few minutes ago to this post and that would be just as likely a hypothesis. The fact that HiveWatchers stated in a follow up reply that your account has been blacklisted should have been a clue to you. There was little chance that @traciyork would know that you were the admin of a community you copied from because you never quoted, attributed, or gave an indication but nonetheless the content posted was recycled and in my opinion that seems legitimate.

Sorry I can't be more on your side but I have to go with the evidence and the nature of what the Hive blockchain is. Maybe you should have been given more explicit warning but I can also understand why someone would think that your account had been around long enough to have known better and didn't cut you the same slack that they would have for a new member.


Thanks for tagging me, @holovision as I would've missed this conversation otherwise.

It's been a minute, but from what I can tell from a quick scan through posts, my first interaction with @madam-ak happened on December 27th, 2022 where I explained to her that reposting essential the exact same thing multiple times is unexceptionable on Hive (and pointed out she'd been given that info in a comment under her very first post here) -

The next day, after she doubled down, I replied and issued the first of three downvotes on her post -

That same day, I also downvoted two additional posts, also with comments as to why -

As far as I can tell, that was my final interaction with her, and I have no idea (although I can guess, given she is still on the HiveWatchers blacklist) why others in the community have been downvoting her content as of late.

EDITED TO ADD: I just discovered this as well - a post around that same time where she cropped an IStock photo to remove the watermark and passed it off as her own.


Thanks for the additional information.


It sucks that peakd is not allowing me to see her content there because of her low reputation points. I'll have to find another way to see it.

Is there however anyway that she can be removed from the Hive Watcher's Blacklist? I am sure she made some mistakes as you pointed out and you called her out on it. However, those that come to Hive do not come with a manual. We learn here from trial and error. At least i did. And i am still learning. I'd like this to be resolved for her, and for her to be able to start on a clean slate..

Posted using SoMee


@greywarden100, when I use peakd (on laptop, not mobile, which I'm not sure makes a difference) I can see hidden content by clicking the "Display post" link as shown below...

Screenshot 2023-06-23 at 20-38-11 💡 Awesme Quick Guide 💡 How to Link SoMee.Social to Hive 1. Settings 2. Blockchain PeakD.png

Same goes for her comments, as the message is the same.

As far as the blacklist, Hive Watchers left her instructions on what to do back in December, but it doesn't seem like she attempted to appeal. At this point, I'm not sure what's to be done unless she decides to try the appeal process now.



I wanted to thank you and @holovision for the time you spent trying to explain the transgressions of @madam-ak.

I really appreciate that you took the time to leave comments on the account to explaining the downvotes.

I have encountered a few downvote campaigns where I could not find an explanation for the downvotes.

The time it takes to explain a downvote campaign is always appreciated. Keep up the good work!



I did inform @traciyork I have been made an admin to the blog I was writing for yet she started going on an unfair downvote spree on all posts to erase the weeks earnings and continued to do so for weeks. When explained that many community members appreciate my educational somee content, she brought a hang of hivers creating a downvote campaign to counter my point in retaliation with a malicious and unfair continued downvote.

In addition, I also explained that in my content it includes a 'hyper link' of the Awesme Tutorial website link where when included in the post is probably creating an image link after the post is published (which was a bug at the time as it was under development and with many bugs and issues as it was a fairly new platform created) that made it seem like the same image, when all it was is this below hyper link that allows users to visit the somee educational site:

Contacting us on:

Also to add, during the time, I dis not know who hivewatchers were. I thought it was a community member using the hive name as their user name and just unfairly attacking with downvotes without fair explanation

It's very important to understand, that we may belong to different platform tribes but belong to the same Social Community. Understanding is vital and what may seem wrong may not exactly be.

The website bugs and lack of consideration of my Admin role for both Awesme Tutorials site and SoMee project should have been taken into account. Nevertheless, I really appreciate everyone's participation in resolving this to get my account reinstated and more importantly grateful to @greywarden100 for his support and concern.


I did inform @traciyork I have been made an admin to the blog I was writing for yet she started going on an unfair downvote spree on all posts to erase the weeks earnings and continued to do so for weeks. When explained that many community members appreciate my educational somee content, she brought a hang of hivers creating a downvote campaign to counter my point in retaliation with a malicious and unfair continued downvote.

Nope. I downvoted your posts three times back in December 2022, and each time with an explanation. I have no idea why you think that months after that, I'd launch some sort of "downvote campaign" on your account, but whatever the reason for the downvotes are, they have nothing to do with me.

You were also directed to a post by Hive Watchers & what they do for the community in the comment section of your intro post (along with other helpful links with info about the Hive community), but if you want to continue to claim that no one has explained anything to you, that's your prerogative.

Best if luck to you.


You stated "but I can assure you that I don't downvote in retaliation" when you clearly did after informing that the community appreciate my ama posts and that is evident in the upvotes and the upvotes given on my clarification statement, to which your retaliation was on further downvoting and a storm of downvoting campaign straight after.

This is in response to your non retaliation statement during that time.
Where the present malicious downvote is concerned, I have not even suggested you have for you to assume or accuse. You brought the previous incident up, and the reply is in response so that things are very clear. The hyper link issue, your retaliation and to clarify to the Community that you were informed of my given Admin role which they thought you were possibly uninformed.

Regarding any useful links shared wouldn't have been clicked as advice goes to never click on links that can lead to high risk of getting scammed and cause data to be compromised. Secondly, at somee we were encouraged to only use and require to only use So other platforms were not used. Even ecency has been very recently joined and used, a few month prior which again we were discouraged to use as was our main one stop shop platform.

Anyway, the main issue raised and condemned is unfair downvote campaigns in general which also various tribes disapprove including the hive community itself as even seen in this post comments.

You were tagged in I guess for clarification, not because I brought your name up for anything to suggest you are responsible for the rest events. You gave your side of the statement and reasoning and I gave mine and clarified the unknown facts. So no, I do not think nor is it wise for you to accuse me of thinking that months after that, you launched some sort of "downvote campaign".

I prefer to not further this conversation as it does not resolve the main matter. However, over time I have come to realise that staying quiet and allowing assumptions and non clarification, can lead to misinformation and misunderstanding for others to know better.

Kind Regards
