RE: Giving the last salute to the deceased rifle due to the government's decision


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"When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". --Louis L'Amour
Hopefully the government will regain it's wisdom at some point or have other more intelligent folks in charge.
Some folks choose to purchase proper containers and bury them, build hidden safes within their homes, find attic space, or otherwise hide them until the next change.
Such a shame for such a fine weapon to go to destruction.
Best to you.


The risk of a high penalty contributed to such a decision.

I would like to live in the USA, where in some countries the defense of private property is allowed.

Here in my county, in the event of a burglary or attack, you are only allowed to retaliate with the same measure.
There were cases where the owners of homes that were robbed went to prison because they injured/killed a burglar...
That is, if someone knocks on the house and enters my bedroom, I first have to see if he is unarmed, if he has a knife or a gun, so that I can prepare for defense of the same weight. So if he shoots at me (and misses), then I can also shoot at him (and also miss him).
Law made to suit those who break it...


Yikes. Hard to believe they would take that action in favor of the burglar.
In some places I hear they just bury them deeper.
Kidding... maybe...
I hear similar stories from several in other countries. It seems hard for them to fight their government to change this behavior, even though the vast majority of people seem to desire the rights to defend themselves. I don't know the answer, but hope it changes.
