RE: Post edit source


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Oh wow. Just notice this. How many times have i told SoMeeans about the importance of sourcing images and Memes? I have several posts explaining that along with my warnings to @iraa which thinks i am joking when i warned her countles times about this. Why aren't SoMeeans listening to me? Why are SoMeeans thinking i am some bad guy and blocking me because i am warning them of breaking rules which will cause their accounts to get blacklisted?

If you want to post images and memes you need to know how to source them. It isn't that difficult at all. All you have to do is utilize the google image search feature. google image search will give various sources for you to choose.

Here is a source for the image:

The Meme Source is hard to find, however it is possible if you look down the list of close to 100 results you will find the source. Here is just one for example >

Yes, it isn't your exact Meme. But if you put some effort and look at all of the results, you may be able to find it.

Posted using SoMee
