When sky and earth burn...

And when the temperature is over 40°C, few of the plants in the garden can survive without additional watering...
Even with early morning watering, during the day, the soil around the plant seems very dry.
It's like it hasn't rained in a month...

I wasn't sure if the pumpkin plants I nominated in #hwc2024 for the Pumpkin challenge would survive those hellish days, so I didn't follow up with a progress update...
Unlike the pumpkin plant, the tomato plants that had protection from the sun in the form of an anti-hail net are doing well. this heat probably suits them, they will ripen much faster and be ready to eat 🙂

I watched them and felt sorry for them.
Leaves bent in the sun, almost dried. One embryo that I announced as the first-born in the last post (it was 06/07/2024), dried up and wilted...
My pumpkins did not have a bright future, if this heat wave had only lasted a few more days or a week longer.
They wouldn't survive...

After a hellish two weeks, a cold came. It was cloudy from all sides and it was raining.
It rained, which cooled and soaked the earth and restored freshness to the plants.

It was the same at the beginning of the last post. It was raining and the plants were growing at an incredible rate. Same as now.

As soon as the infernal days ended, the flowers opened, some new buds appeared, hidden at first glance, until the big green flowers were hidden.

We will not touch or move them. We will put them back in the shade of the large leaves until they grow a little more and get stronger.


If by any chance the heat like in the previous two weeks repeats, we will increase watering in the morning and evening and we will pray for their salvation.

For now, I'm still in the game, my plants survived the hellish days and continue to participate in #hwc2024.
@beeber are your seeds germinated and ready for the garden?
Dear hive friends, if you have pumpkin plants in your garden, take a look at the @der-prophet post, maybe your pumpkin is the new world champion?
Follow @hive-world-champ and all other participants and have fun.

Besides having fun, we enjoy growing our plants...


Seeing plants growing like this in gardens is a lovely feeling for me. Hopefully rainy season will arrive soon and your plants will blossom. :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!
