When cumnami at work prompts an extended weekend getaway


You've probably, like me this week at work, started a "many front" battle.
I ran into the rush on Monday morning, which made me feel overwhelmed already on the first working day, so tired already on Monday afternoon that I dream about the next weekend and a well-deserved rest...
If only Monday was like that...
Tuesday was perhaps even more difficult.
In addition to all the planned obligations, a crash occurred during the software upgrade of some IT equipment and due to the power down of operation of some IT services for which I am responsible, a bunch of additional requests poured into me, in addition to the already planned requests for today...

And then what?
Well, then, my friend, instead of slacking off with work on Tuesday, work it up even more, so much so that at 4 p.m., when you go home, you rub your tired eyes and think about taking a nap on the way home...

These two days broke me.
On the way home, in the garden of a nearby building, I see dandelion flowers.

Mentally overtired like this, before I get home, I try to put myself in order.

I pluck a few dandelion flowers, sit on a bench and like a 7-year-old child, I blow on the flowers, scattering the seeds in the air, trying to blow my thoughts and all the problems I had today out of my head...

Eh, if such a thing were possible, if each of us could empty our thoughts and blow out these flowers like me...

For something like that, you need a longer break, an extended weekend or a short vacation...
I'm reading the posts of my friends on Hive, who are looking forward to the upcoming Easter...
I'm Orthodox, for us Easter falls in May this year, until then there's no long rest for me.
All I can hope for are classic weekends.

Leaning on a bench in the park, I follow the dandelion seeds carried by the gentle wind and think: "Who the hell, I'm taking a few days off".
I call my director and inform him that I will use Thursday and Friday of this week as my days off, combine them with the weekend and most likely go to a neighboring Catholic country, to celebrate Easter with the atmosphere and a good Spa, relax and rest..

He accepts my request and a plan is immediately made in my head...
And I will not blow that plan and those thoughts in all directions like a dandelion flower.
I will find strength, focus on work tomorrow and enjoy this extended weekend...

Do you sometimes find work difficult, so much so that you think about running away from it?
Is the weekend enough for you to recover from a busy day at work or do you need an extended weekend like me?
Write and ask if you have any comments.
If you want, try my recipe.
Search for dandelion flowers and play as a seven-year-old.
Maybe blowing a dandelion flower will give you an idea, you never know...

Thank you for stopping by my post and I hope you enjoyed the photos and the story I shared with you

All photos are my property, taken with a mobile phone
