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Lagos, Nigeria.
A story teller, a writer and an artist who's here to learn
8 days ago
Holozing Community
Drawing Noxic as an Holozing Fanart
A big Hello from this end peeps. It's been an eventful day and I would love to cap it with a beautiful and colorful pencil coloring of Noxic one of the recent characters in the world of
11 days ago
Alien Art Hive
Drawing the Twisted Jester for the Splinterlands Art Contest
Hi guys, before you say anything, I will like to address the fact that I don't have a real red color pencil. All that's available or close to that is one weird orange so my friends that is why y
14 days ago
Holozing Community
Drawing the Female Light Healer
Hi friends, today I come with the offering of blessing of art. The Light Healer an #holozing character who happens to be an attraction in every way is the subject of today’s sketch. Remember how
17 days ago
Alien Art Hive
Drawing the Flame Mephit for the Splinterlands Art Contest
Just like I did in my last two posts, I tried using different colorist to represent the image. There was a lot of stops along the way as the colours available didn’t quite suit the effect I was
25 days ago
Alien Art Hive
Drawing Janni Rebel for the Splinterlands Art Contest
Hi guys, remember the last time when I told you that I saw a fixie pencil colored sketch and fell super in love with it and as a result will learn more and try that approach a couple of times ti
28 days ago
Alien Art Hive
Drawing the Riverboat Captain for the Splinterlands Art Contest
There were many things to consider when I took on the quest for this sketch. The reference I chose was a live one and I so far so good haven’t dealt with coloring a live reference. Another twist
about 1 month ago
Alien Art Hive
Drawing the Dhampir Infiltrator for the Splinterlands Art Contest
There have been some improvement in my concept of using pencil colors recently. I stated this in my last post I think of having seen the entry of fixie in the last Splinterlands contest. The com
about 1 month ago
Alien Art Hive
Drawing the Red Dragon for the Splinterlands Art Contest
First off I would like to begin this post by sharing with you the colors I used as well as the brand. Going through some of my old posts, I noticed that I don’t have the habit of doing this and
about 2 months ago
Alien Art Hive
Drawing the Pelacor Deceiver for the Splinterlands Art Contest
Lately I have been engaged in a lot of activities that have kept me from even sharing the works I have done for sometime. Last week I drew this Pelacor Deceiver and
2 months ago
Alien Art Hive
Drawing the Goblin Sorcerer for the Splinterlands Art Contest
Hi friends it has been some time and I hope you missed me. My last entry which was a smash and a personal favorite got me on my toes and I don't want to under-deliv
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