RE: Natural Theology Part 3
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As I reflect on this article, I realize that sufficiency does not mean we have no need for supernatural revelation. Rather, Scripture is sufficient in the sense that it serves its purpose by providing the necessary background for understanding supernatural theology. Additionally, it is new to me that sufficiency also reveals God's curse as a consequence of disobedience.
Regarding the attribute of perspicuity, I find it refreshing to explore. God is self-contained and fully comprehensible to himself (though I admit I struggle to articulate this concept clearly).
1.) God is self-contained, while we, as humans, are not.
2.) God fully understands himself, but we do not have that same exhaustive comprehension.
While we will never attain complete knowledge of God, this does not mean that knowing Him is impossible.
I'm not really that confident in my statement, so I'm open for correction 😓