Docente, investigadora, amante de la lectura y escritura, defensora de los derechos de NNA, madre de Eira, Edwin y Erianny, abuela de Valeri, Matihas y Zaid
Splinterlands is a blockchain-based collectible card game. Collect digital assets, battle thousands of other players, and win crypto and other rewards!
Thanks for stopping by! I'm a happily married father of two, a firm believer in God and a gamer at heart! Family is and will always be my top priority, and helping others and sharing the love is a close second! I also thoroughly enjoy being active; this includes doing everything from outdoor backpacking adventures to lifting weights, making music and everything in-between!
I love play videogames, watch anime and youtube videos. Currently i'am investing time also in the crypto world!
Me encanta jugar videojuegos, ver anime y vídeos en youtube. Actualmente invierto mi tiempo en el mundo crypto también!