This is how they all started
Somee?? The problem -> Poeple need money and we cant directly deliver it to them for free.
The answer -> Somee monetisation via the Sme upvote system so we can give poeple money all around the world for free.
A cellphone, a somee account, and voila I can send your values for a pictures of you drilling a well in dirtakistan. Better we all upvote freely a campaing to mira blind dog thing. Even better I want to promote how amazing my product is -> I create a post reward my follower with random upvote in my comments... boom 50 000 poeples now like my home brewed beer.
Posted using SoMee
Exactly, this model truly has the potential to blow up exponentially!
Posted using SoMee
Yes exactly, the only thing we need is masses of people so SME price will go up. Once people start earning 0,50 per post things will change rapidly. As for a lot of people in the world that is a lot of money.
Posted using SoMee