Hello Dear Somee/Hive Users!🙌
Some time ago, in a telegram chat, we actively discussed the abuse of SME awards on the Hive platform, voting for own posts and comments.We also discussed the abuse of several Hive accounts, which, in turn, violates the remuneration system of small and medium-sized businesses. In no case will I make excuses to you for what you consider illegal actions, because there are quite a lot of users in Somee who to this day do the same thing every day without hesitation. I would like to say that I am not satisfied with the fact that we use the system for our own selfish purposes. I am not satisfied that the community is looking for a single scapegoat, while it actively participates in such things, and also keeps silent about people who also abuse the system.Despite these sad facts and conclusions that I made (FOLLOWING THE ADVICE OF MY FRIEND RAPHAEL) I decided to completely abandon the accounts of Somee/Hive my friends that I used with their permission. In addition, starting today, I will stop spamming comments, and I will also stop excessively abusing votes for own posts and comments. I intend to continue using the platforms correctly. Understand that not many people will want to go the right way and will continue to grow as many SME tokens as possible, will use the system and abuse it. Let it remain on their conscience. I want to clear my conscience and continue the path and goal that I have been striving for from the very beginning.
Thank you for your attention!
Thank you so much for coming forward with this Yura. You are a good man and i knew you would do the right thing. It takes a real man to recognize that he was wrong. There aren't to many of those left in this world.
There is no problem with upvoting your own post, such as this one you just made which is fantastic. The problem is spam and upvoting your own spam. That is what i believe is angring some people.
I know there are other abusers and we will find them and downvote them to oblivion if we need to.
They are quite a lot.
Posted using SoMee
Thank you very much Rafael!🤝
That took some balls.