Can we have a stress free life?

Stress according to dictionary is Force externally applied to a body which cause internal stress within the body. If we will tell ourselves the truth, we must times go through stress on daily basis. For some people, they can actually stop it or even reduce it, but for some, they have no option than to continue with the stress and live on drugs as much as they can. In Nigeria now, the life itself is stressful. If you don't want anything that will stress you, then you will die of hunger. Man gat to hustle. No food for lazy man. And the kind of work that people do now to survive, stress can't be removed from it. The bills are too much and the cost of living is increasing by the day. So, all that people will do is to go to any length to make keep body and soul together.


Looking at the topic for Week 72:- Edition 01:- Stress Factor*

*In recent time, what has been the main cause of your stress?
For me, my studies have been the main cause of my stress. I told one of my friend the other day that I can't advice any young lady to wait and go to school after marriage and children. Is very stressful. And it seems as if I can't stop it. I'm being stress up every day and I can't help it. I must attend to my family: husband, children, visitors, in-laws, father and mother as well and then still attend to my school: lectures, assignments, text, presentation and so on. All these on one person. How do you think I won't be stressed up? I try my best to relax. But must times I only end up thinking of what to cook for the family or one presentation that I have the next day in school. It hasn't been easy for me. If you are a young lady going through this post, please 🙏 focus on your education and make sure you have gotten to a level before getting married. Though just an advice.

How have you been dealing with it?

One of the things that I do to help myself is that I just consider it that I don't have anywhere or anyone to visit. If I have a little chance, I use it to sleep that is if the sleep with come. I reduce the number of activities I attend in church. I just concentrate more on my family and myself. And I have no apology for doing that. I can't come and kill myself for anyone. If you have any function and I am able to attend, thank God, but if you didn't see me, don't be angry ohh! I can't divide myself into two or three just to satisfy people.

Has it been working?
At least I have been managing life that way. I just do what I can do, and live the rest for God. And I am happy that I am doing it that way. It has even helped me to reduce my movement here and there. And some people are getting to understand now why they don't always see me around.

Will you be able to get rid of what's causing you the stress?*
I don't think I can for now. I am a student and that is the main reason I am having stress right now. I don't intend to stop. Infact, this is the beginning for me. I will still further more when I am through with my degree programs. So, for now I just intend to gradually move like this until I am use to managing my family and schooling. By then I believe that things will get better and I will be out of stress.


Hmmm being a student is quite tasking with loads of activities, like lectures, test, examination and the likes so I know how it feels.

For someone who has a family and is a mother that is like x3 of activities put together.

I know it's hard to curb this stress till you've graduate, so I wish you all the best.


Sleep has been working fine as an anti stress and I also make use of it too. I sleep when I feel stressed and relax my brain and body.

Studies is one major cause of stress and our country even made it worse for us. It shouldn’t be a barrier to get married and still further studies. But since we have to struggle in this part of the world. It makes it more harder.

I am sorry about the stress. Hopefully with time everything will get in place. I pray for the best for you ma.


Being a mother and going through all these tasks is not easy. You are trying oh. Your school is it part-time? if it full time, na die be that.


My brother na full time ohh! That is the more reason I have not been too effective in hive. But I will soon overcome it by God's grace.
Thanks for coming around.


Yeah I can understand... Schooling and Hiving at the same time is not easy. The lord is your strength.


Just came back from school with two different assignments that I don't even know where and how to start. 😔


As an Ecency curator, I approve of your boost. Keep engaging))
