The Stormy Sea - A Zapfic 240 Character Story @ajahsalim 54 4 days ago airhawk The sky was cloudy, many men on this sheep and the captain isn't ready to lose any soul. He maneuvers the sail to avoid the storm, followed by lightening, the terrble wind broke the sail, while he kept his stand to keep the ship running. Source airhawk vyb neoxian palnet someeofficial proofofbrain vkbt zapfic 0 0 0.000 1 comments @marriot5464 67 4 days ago He is such a brave captain who has good intentions to save the lives of people on his ship. 0 0 0.000 Reply
@marriot5464 67 4 days ago He is such a brave captain who has good intentions to save the lives of people on his ship. 0 0 0.000 Reply
He is such a brave captain who has good intentions to save the lives of people on his ship.