Wednesday Walk That Makes Me Smile - Meet The Camel


Have a good night my friends! Just too busy, we have a wedding party but I need to share our met up with the camel together with my friend. She was going to go back home to our homeland and she requested me to go with her to have a meet-up and remembrance with the camel. She worked here for 6 years but had never seen a camel before. She asked me to go with her and I gave my consideration.

Meeting with the Cattle in Saudi Arabia


The White camel was happy looking a woman around. This is a male camel.


Jacky, my friend, enjoyed her last day. Seeing a camel. did a dream come true? She stayed here for 5 years but only her day she saw it.

<center.She fed the camel and he felt great.


Me and the camel.


It was the first time that I did it giving food to the camel.


She posed with the brown female camel who just gave birth two days ago.



Like human beings, the two days old baby camel was innocent. She was afraid of us, she felt uncomfortable.

We noticed that the mother camel couldn't stand up. Maybe, it's because she just gave birth to the baby camel.


The cow was like a giant cow. They are giving milk and sold it to the people. They believe that the milk of beef and camel is good for cancer patient customers.


We saw the birds flying above us. The weather was in favor of our plan.


We bid farewell to the first batch of the camel and we went to another group


Two camels were just sitting down but Jacky was afraid to touch them.


I was afraid to ride the horse but Jacky insisted to ride. The caretaker approved it but some male Arab youngsters came along so it was not pushed through.


She also posed with the goats and sheep.

The owner of the farm was the family of our employer. This was the place where I rescued my Whitey a long time ago back in 2017.

We had a nice Wednesday walk that made us smile to the fullest. We met not only the camel but all kinds of cattle, This is the most unforgettable memories of Jacky and me. We are living the same place in the Philippines and I'm sure, we will ser each other when I have to spend my vacation.

Thank you for reading this have a nice day.

