The Situation Of Things : A Freewrite

The situation in this country is very funny you can imagine the currency rate of this country is going as high as it can be and some people are not even concerned a bit about what is happening neither had the masses where what is looming already in the country is a revolution where people get tired of the lives of the politicians and the government and they will take to the streets to take over the government themselves.

When this kind of thing happens trust me is going to get bloody because people are going to start taking sight and the ethnicity of this country is coming up before you know it people will take loss into their own hands and things go from bad to worse.

We don't want all this to happen therefore we want the government to be active and to take good measures in making sure that it's populated and citizens are well taken care of when this is done that is when the country will be peaceful and the dollar can have a very good value compares to the naira.

But if this kind of thing is not taking place bath things we keep happening thereafter and there is no end to this kind of circle.
