Hive as a Digital Real Estate: If Hive really offers us access to digital real estate ownership, what should be our proper response?


I feel more stressed out now in my current job compared to my four years of working hard in South Korea. Primarily, this is because our tasks are not well-defined and it seems more are being added as days pass.

Expectations are not clear. Institutional communication is a constant struggle. It appears that people are not used to following protocol. This creates a lot of confusion.

This situation prevents me from creating content on Hive during my spare time. I find it difficult to concentrate on my thoughts. Despite giving my best, I still find many things left undone. In times like that, I tend to look for diversion. I don’t want to shorten my life in this kind of institutional culture that has been built up for years.

This morning, reading one of @taskmaster4450’s articles about the idea of Hive as a digital real estate and combining it with the question about how can I earn a curation reward of 1 HP per day, this somehow triggers my mind to write.

I think these two thoughts are connected. Since curation rewards play a significant role in the growth of one’s HIVE Power and in growing one’s “digital real estate,” it is proper to ask this question:

If Hive offers us access to digital real estate ownership, what should be our proper response?


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Finding an answer to the above question can provide me a guide in growing my HIVE Power (HP) particularly if I can break down the answer into specific steps. It could serve as a HIVE Power Personal Plan (HPPP).

Not only me, I think many in developing nations will find such a question very relevant. Most of us don’t have the privilege of owning a real piece of land. Even owning our own house is a dream that for many of us is beyond our reach.

Of course, I don’t have the numbers to back up this claim. This is simply my common observation among my acquaintances. Very few of us own our houses.

I imagine my father in the 1970s who is just a security guard but he can support a family of five. Unlike today, even though both my wife and I are working, we still struggle to own a house. Except for buying books in the past, I don’t have any vices and I live a very frugal life. And yet after working for almost close to a four-decade and in four-year time, I will be reaching my senior years, and yet until now, I still struggle financially to provide for my family.

Of course, I have no one to blame. And other unavoidable circumstances in life prevent me to achieve such a dream in my 40s. One of them is marital trouble. Another is a lack of financial IQ. All I know for the first 23 years of my working life is to earn and spend.

Saving and investing are not part of my financial discipline. Even after learning financial literacy in 2009, that’s 14 years ago, still, the dream of financial freedom seems so far away.

I consider stumbling upon Hive at the height of the pandemic and the lockdown in August 2021 providential. Though it took me more or less seven months to wonder what Hive is all about, in March of 2022, thanks again to taskmaster that after reading his article about Hive as a compounding machine via layer two tokens, things started to make sense.

I love analogies. It makes the human mind think in concrete terms by relating abstract ideas to things we are familiar with. Describing Hive as a digital real estate is one of them. It challenges me to think of specific steps to grow such a digital asset.

Grace and peace!

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Hello! Glad you're on Hive!

And don't take this the wrong way, but you are certainly not alone in your struggles with understanding both traditional finance and blockchain.

In the early days, blockchain was very..niche in general, and few people really saw the potential in what it could do. Now, we see more of the bigger picture of what it is becoming.

@Taskmaster4450 is a fantastic resource on Hive and LeoFinance for information on traditional finance, real estate, and blockchain education!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I agree 100% about TM. 😅




I read every text post Taskmaster puts out, I comment with reasonable, related feedback, I upvote and I watch as many of his videos on 3Speak that interest me ahha


He is the first content creator on Hive that caught my attention. I am impressed with the freshness of his thoughts when it comes to blockchain and crypto.




I respectfully refer to him as the FUDBuster, because that's what he's best at. Keeps a levelheaded approach to everything, which is very much needed in today's world of extremism and FOMO hype

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Glad to have him on Hive as a kind of digital mentor. I learned from his ideas that I started exploring. A few examples include the Eurodollar system, the concept of Hive as a compounding machine via layer two tokens, and the concept of a digital nation.




oh yes. The Eurodollar system isn't taught in schools, for a reason. It totally destroys the narrative that the Fed is in control of anything and that JPow is god. Neither is true and it's proven by the shadow banking of the world that controls trillions, if not quadrillions of dollars in derivatives

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am also surprised that no economist I read so far from the Austrian school touched on the subject.


Maybe because those very same Austrian economic thinkers are unaware of how the real world actually works - and they're obsessed with theory, just like the communist Keynesians? 😆

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's the problem. Though they glory in the science of human action and the rigidity of human reasoning, they fail to account for what's really going on in financial technology. Anyhow, I now remember Saifedean Ammous who wrote The Bitcoin Standard. If I am not mistaken, his ideological root is also influenced by the Austrian school.
