Do the US and Israel work with terrorists?

Iran = Shia Islam
Syria = Shia Isam

HAMAS = Sunni Islam
Hezbollah = Sunni Islam
ISIS = Sunni Islam

Iran supposedly funds HAMAS and Hezbollah with weapons to attack Israel and defend Palestine. However, The United States and Israel regularly fund terrorist ISIS-linked Rebels to attack Assad's forces in Syria. And bomb them with airstikes. It is shown in a documentary that ISIS even gets medical treatment inside Israel.

How then if ISIS is sunni, and HAMAS Is also Sunni, and Israel funds ISIS along with the US in Syria, how are HAMAS and Israel enemies? It seems to me that whether it be Israel or Palestine, or even Iran, US, etc. the leaders are all part of a luciferian cult playing games with civilan lives all with the purpose of creating the global government beast system.

