The Timing Hard : A Freewrite


JavaScript the programming language
Who learn DOM manipulation with understanding data types, arrays, objects and functions
You need that to manipulation DOm
and also you can't be done with JavaScript
Did I ever say I was done with js ?
Una no wan hear to understand
It depends on what the person wants also. Does the person wants to know JavaScript as a whole? Or the person wants to become or frontend or backend?
If you say, someone wants to know DOM manipulation, and the person does not know variables and const. That one is where you have to explain how it works
Because a frontend person just want to know how the DOM works. I don’t think there is a pattern to that.
AgriTech All I can deduce from his explanation is that, new beginners don't properly learn J's very well before they move another stages that's why some beginners find difficulty to understand J's and perform well
There's a process to learning
This is true for libraries and frameworks. But different courses arrange it in different parts for vanilla js. But all of them start with vars, constants, objects, functions… after that, na anyhow
I'm telling you that there's a process to effectively teaching JavaScript
I’m not against this na. That’s what I just said
That one is common for vanilla js. There was a time those Indians used to post js roadmap every day on twitter
AgriTech For example some people move from J's to React within months and to React Native and and to Vue
