My Actifit Report Card: May 19 2024


Hello fellow Actifiters and good day to you all 😊

Today I decided to relax myself 🥰 I didn't plan to do anything today but when things come your way you really can't do anything about it 😂.

I was just chillin at home when early in the morning my friend photographer came in our house to return the manual flash he borrowed from me a few dyays ago coz his flash broke down and he has a birthday event shoot. So I let him borrow my old manual flash since I didn't use it that much anymore since I bought a new flash with TTL capabilities.

Anyways he returned it and I was wondering where he is going since he wasn't wearing normal day to day clothes. So I asked him and he said they were going to the mountains with his motorcycle group to celebrate their 3rd year anniversary. I was just "Oh okay, enjoy your ride 🥰" then he suddenly asked me if I wanted to come along 🤔

I was reluctant at first coz I was not part of the group so why would I join right? 😅 but he assured me it was fine coz it's just a simple celebration and nothing too fancy aslong as I'm not picky with the food which I'm definitely not as long as we are not eating crabs as I'm allergic to them 🥹

I was in luck since my wife just finished taking a bath so I asked my friend if my wife could come as well. He said "Yes" and I immediately took a bath. It was fine coz I can take a bath in less than 5 minutes and in just 10 minutes we were ready to go 🫣

The group waited for me at the local bakery, we ate some bread first coz we haven't had any time for breakfast just yet 😅 and then off we go 😁 We arrived at our destination at around 30 minutes and the place was beautiful and full of coconut trees 😍

It's a normal thing here in the Philippines since we are a tropical country as we have a lot of coconuts here but I still appreciate it's beauty despite having seen a lot of scenes like these. Like I said over and over again in my actifit reports I'm a nature guy 🥰 So I never get tired of such scenes 😍

Anyways we enjoyed some coconut juice after our lunch. We stayed there for a couple of hours probably around 6 hours and enjoyed chatting with one another. It's my first time being with the group so we had a lot to talk about especially about myself 😅

And so that's pretty much how my days ended. It's a very relaxing days and I enjoyed it a lot. I feel like I can go for a 200 - 300km bike ride tomorrow 🤭 just kidding lol 😂 but we never know right? If I ever get the chance maybe I would 🤭 Anyways guys this is all for me today till tomorrow 🥰


All Photo's shown above are all taken and owned by me personally unless stated otherwise
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


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