Pepe Games: A Game of Pepe Tokens on the Hive Blockchain


Pepe Game

Through various events three $PEPE tokens have been created on the Hive blockchain. We could use selling moar to pay for sum fees to enable moar token features. This will happen over time. Whatever that time may be.

What do you think about the idea of offering $PEPE tokens for $PEPECASH and/or $RPEPE. Don't see having a market for quite some time. Our market caps are rather small while we have lower capital to do things.

IDEA: X $PEPE token A for Y $PEPE token B ... in a daily offering. This could vary day to day. Depending on markets, demands, prices, needs, and what not.

Have rewards to use. Mostly save. Like to mint and distribute some amount of tokens. In some way. Keeping costs down. Utilizing basic blog functions.

Mystery of tokens ... X of $PEPE, Y of $PEPECASH, and Z of $RPEPE ...

Game functions / mechanics (of blog post) ... comment, reblog, share (facebook, reddit, twitter), upvote

For simplicity sake one point per blog action. For example upvote and comment for two points. This is already done at times by numerous blockchain accounts in the community.

Bonus action: "Meme"! Whatever this may "meme" to you!

May have up to 0.862 $PEPECASH to mint and distribute somehow. Question may be that of how? While also generating sum amount of value.

$PEPE is a meme coin, but memes aren't for everyone. Hence looking for that sweet spot of something that will fulfill this token's mission for the blockchain accounts on this blockchain account. Idea was originally moar around memes. Seems the idea needs something moar.

$PEPE token to be $PEPE token

Feels Good Man!

notification list (comment to be added): @ganjafarmer

$PEPE Hive Engine - LeoDex - TribalDex

$PEPECASH Hive Engine - LeoDex - TribalDex

$RPEPE Hive Engine - LeoDex - TribalDex

Pepe Token Community Ecency - LeoFinance - PeakD


I like the idea of buying one flavor of PEPE with another.

I may be interested in buying RPEPE and paying with PEPE.

On gamification, there are many things that have been tried and many things that can be invented and tested. It's good to experiment and see what works.

Feels good man!


I like the idea of buying one flavor of PEPE with another.

Good to hear!

I may be interested in buying RPEPE and paying with PEPE.

Also good to hear! Just want to be sure to keep RPEPE in proper balance and value. Will explore this idea further and offer some initial PEPE flavor (ex)changing.

On gamification, there are many things that have been tried and many things that can be invented and tested. It's good to experiment and see what works.

Yes. Have been doing so along the way. So why not sum moar.

Feels good man!



I like the three tokens, I think they can work well together. !MEME
