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We live in a place where if you do any how, then you see any how.

For reasons still unknown to me, the government has put it upon themselves to hide valuable information from the people.

Before they got into power, promises were made. Transparency was one of these many promises. But then, it is currently like the once hopeful people are looking at the country through a dark glass. Nothing is seen or heard, but things happen every single day. Tch.... So much for being a country man.

Though partially the cause of the ongoing problems that we complain of, every country man has his or her own opinion on talks that will contribute to the betterment of the country thereby alleviating the vampiresque practices of the heads of states. On the long run, however, with the rise of 2 thousand naira during elections, votes are sold, these leaders are recycled and we end up going back to the same spot where we strived to leave.

Nonetheless, just as every citizen, I also have my opinion on matters like transparency within my country.

The government hodl news like me trying to hodl by playing bling games. Reasons for this is unknown but then, the question: are they trying to hide their tracks? And some other things? Is one that heightens my curiosity to its peak.

Personally, I believe in transparency. Yeah leaders, you can do what you want because you have the power, but then, you took an oath to serve the people, therefore it is their right to know what is actually happening to the taxes they pay, and what happens to the land they call "our fathers land," no, it's been changed to "our mothers land," ( in the new anthem).

It may be said that the truth may be too much for the people to handle. It may have both short term and long term devastating effects, but then, irrespective of the risk, "a known devil is easier to tame and better than an unknown angel." ~ unknown

This flaw (as I see it), is what is happening to the religion in the world today. Some believe in God, some don't. Some believe that there is hell but some believe in heaven and earth. Some believe in worshiping cows, goats, sheeps, snakes, rats and even their fellow humans but some rebuke and detest such. The truth was hidden, or should I say unknown, probably.
Now, what if everyone knows which God is right as which is not? What if we all worship one God who is the true God? You will find out that everyone will be in peace. No fights between Christians and Muslims. Nobody will think that there will be 7 virgins waiting for them in heaven if they kill their fellow human.

This same thing can be applied to the matters at hand. If there be transparency, then the major part of the country's problem has been solved because through this, peace will reign among the country men, the peoples mind will be at peace, knowing what to expect and what not to expect and making preparations, with the aid of provided information, to tackle any issues together. Also, through this, the definition of Democracy will ultimately be complete - Government of the people, by the people, and for the people ~ Abraham Lincoln.

Well, I guess, with how things are in this country, the definition of democracy by Brain Jotter is what we live by - Government of some people, by some people and for some people.

This is my entry for the hive learners prompt.

Thank you for reading 😊

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Religion matters cannot be settled because they don't have the same beliefs, sane with fake news, or not release the right information will always lead to confusion among the citizens.


true. leaders should learn how to release information at the right time. This will help a lot.

thank you for your wonderful comment


Religion is actually part of the many problems our world is facing.


true. unfortunately, we can not do anything about it
