The growth and development of children is one complex thing that goes from one stage to another. Failure to perfectly acknowledge a stage and properly take care of it may lead to an injury in the development of that particular child.

Over the years, we have heard many things from parents. Mainly, parents in my country. Things like: if you give a child egg or meat, they will end up stealing. If you give a child money, they will end up being bad in the long run. Growing up to the extent I am, I find my self to always question these words spoken by my parents.

One thing I believe is that, a child that wants to be good, will be good, no matter the situation and temptation. However, a child that wants to be bad, will always remain bad, no matter the amount of scolding and advice spoken to him or her.

Each and every child is unique in their own way. They have a special quality that makes them stand out from the peers.

There are different types of children. they have the academical genius and there are still children who are not academically sound. Though some are average.

School is a vital place that impacts the child both positively and negatively. Different things can be learnt from school - the good, the bad and the ugly, even the naughty. However, the relationship you keep will your child with make it very easy for you to help the child manage this phase of their life.

Though different things can be learnt in school, one thing that is not taught in school is money. I do no actually know why it is so, but I believe that it may be for the better.

The grading system of schools is one that is justified by the hard work inputted by a student towards their academics. In other to get the best students, tests, assignments, class works and exams have been put in place to properly access the child and give accurate grading based on their child's performance.

Encouragingly, schools organize prize giving day in other to award the best students with many awards. This is really great and encouraging. However, stepping up this practice would actually not be a bad idea. Or maybe not.

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You see, I really appreciate the fact that awards are given to brilliant kids who came top of their class. Stepping this practice up by giving monetary awards will actually be a bad idea which I do not support.

My reasons.

Children learn by mirroring. The male child will want to be like their father while the female will want to be like their mother.

Seeing their mom and dad spend money on things will also make them want to spend. This is not a bad thing, but the problem here is that, this child is under age and inexperienced with how life works, thus, they know not how to spend money. During this stage of their development, their ego is still trying to control their id properly. Based on this, the child will want to gratify their pleasure which will I turn, make them not fit for society when they grow older because they will have a stagnant development in which ego did not successfully control the id, which will in turn not be a good environment for the super ego to be layed.

Another reason why I do not support this act is because; monetary worth only last for a short period of time. This time is when you see it as still have possession of it. After you finish spending it, you forget about it. However, when a child is given better award (not monetary) they tend to grow old with that award. From time to time, they see that award and have a sense of achievement. This may also be a motivational impact which will motivate the child to challenge their previous self.

The only thing I may support is giving both monetary awards and the good old awards to students in college. They will know how to properly use the money to solve their problems and not satisfy their pleasure.

Thank you for reading 😊

Canvas design.


You have made very interesting and important points in this article friend. Personally I see this issue of gifting students as a way of encouragement and motivation to do more.


true. this form of encouragement is one that should be remembered and not one that should be forgotten.

thank you for stopping by


Realmente esses pontos onde o filho vai seguir os passos dos pais é algo muito verdadeiro e que faz total sentido, ou seja motivando a seguir os sonhos e objetivos, porém com controle e foco.


Você está muito correto. quando a criança segue os passos dos pais, ela tende a ter sucesso. no entanto, há coisas que os pais não devem permitir que os filhos façam desde cedo.

Obrigado pela visita.


Gift is just another form of encouragement and source of motivation to others, that's why at the end of every third term for the high school they are rewarded for excellent performance. same thing for college, the best graduating students are also recognized as well.


you are very correct. however, the students should be rewarded with something that is tangible, not finance.

thank you for stopping by


You've made a good point, even though I wasn in support of giving cash reward, you really convinced me.
