
Primarily, the major reason why we work and thrive for a better future, is solely because we want to make a better future for our children to come.

Children are the leaders of tomorrow. When properly taken care of, they will grow up to be fine people, powerful enough to properly prepare grounds for the next generation.

If not properly taken care of, they will grow up to be a nuisance to the community. Instead of being those who will prepare grounds for the next generation, they will be the ones to scatter things and make things difficult for the next generation.

In todays world, life is hell, always shoving shit down the throat of those that set out to get things right. The economy is becoming nothing, the times are hard and living in this country is like riding a bicycle uphill. The force use to step on the bicycles peddal is the determinant of how far you will go.

In a time when the price of goods and services are rising by the minute, raising children can be really hard. Harder than anything that can be thought of.

Hard times they say, creates hard people. Conversely, hard people, strong and tough poeple, create soft times. Soft times on the other hand, creates weak people.

What i choose, hard times for my kids or removing all obstacles.

When i decide to marry and give rise to children, i would not want my children to pass through what i have passed through in life, neither would i want them to feel the pain i felt or experience the different tastes of shit life has to feed me. But then, come to think of it, if they do not pass through these hard times, how will they learn? wouldn't they end up being weak and creating hard times for th

e next generation?

If i start having kids, i will not want them to witness good times too much. I will not remove any obstacle from their path, neither will i want them to always enjoy life to the fullest.

I can't stand to see my children doing what they feel like doing, never, I will teach them the art of getting out of their comfort zone to get what they need, not what they want.

Why i choose this for them?

Eliminatng Obstacles from their path will only make them weak and fragile. It will remove the manhood in them. That is something i don't want for them.

I believe that life wants you to work hard and work smart for your daily bread. One must put in effort before they eat.
This is the type of lesson i will imbibe into my kids.

Even though i am as rich as Elon Musk, i will not want my kids to have everything that they want. They must able to work hard before they get what they want.

There are many cases where i see rich men's children being useless to the community because they were spoilt by their parents wealth. They become arrogant, proud and fearless because they know that their parent will not allow anything bad happen to them.

Welp, i will not be that type of father. I will be the one to intentionally make life hard for them, let them eat the shitty dish in life's dinning table and tell me how it tastes like, while i give them advice on how to navigate through and come out in one piece.

This is the type of father i will be. Inarguably, i will love my children and not allow anything hurt them, but that doesn't mean that i will allow them get spoilt.

Thank you for reading

all mages belongs to me

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This prompt is a very tricky one, this is because none of the parent would ever want their children to suffer,but the want them to live a good life


This is true. However, in the course of wanting the best and easy life for their children, they will end up causing more harm than good


Boss, I like the way you ended the whole thing. Balance is very important so that the kids could have a good life.

Thanks for sharing


I'm glad that you like it.
thank you for stopping by


Allowing your kids to face obstacles is good, it will help them to grow and be able to speak up and also do things for themselves.


They just need to know that Rome wasn't built in a day. They need to work hard and go through so many things in life before they can achieve success. Children of now don't even want to work they just want to cashing out without putting much effort and that's where it really becomes a problem. Just instill good morals in them, show them that life isn't easy and make sure to let them fight their own battles and face their own challenge by themselves at times because that is what will make them go further in life.


you have said it all. When you do all these, they will perfectly understand how to be independent
