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For thousands of years, humans have understood how substances work. water was turned to whine and people have understood what it meant to be a drunkard and how embarrassing it is to have a family member that is a drunkard.

The discovery of new elements, materials, and substances has aided with human evolution and also it has aided to send the once healthy lifestyle of humanity down the gutter. Nevertheless, there are still people who are smart enough tp regulate these things.

Drinks have been invented. different brands has their different tastes that feels heavenly to some people, and irritating to others.

As we all know, there is always a price to pay for new inventions. The inventions of alcoholic drinks have given rise to abusers who takes these things in excessive doses which is really bad for their health.

The rise of substance abuse has greatly affected the well being of humans and it is pushing its users to ill health and ultimately, their early grave.

The numbers of addicted individuals have greatly increased. Nowadays, some people can not actually live without alcohol, smokes or drugs.

Taking of these substances are for no apparent reasons, just to get the pleasure that comes from the intake.

The most annoying thing of it all is that they always have an excuse for taking the substance. Funny enough, these excuses are very silly and annoying.

well, all the same, the most important thing is to help them out of the addiction and help with rehabilitation.

There are different type of substances to be abused. tons of them. however, as different as they are, these substances have different side effects that accompanies each one of them.

one common side effect between all of these substances is addiction. the users of hard substances tends to grow addicted of the used substance, making it very difficult to do without.

Alcoholic drinks are really relaxing to take. they taste real good and give a calming sensation. however, this does not mean that it is all good. be weary of things that tastes real good because the side effects are really massive.

compared to hard drugs alcoholic drinks makes a person tipsy and out of the world but hard drugs? this takes a person to another dimension.

Liver damage is one of the effects of abusing these substances. Hard drugs brings about mental issues and issues with normal physiological functioning faster than how alcoholic drinks does.
Stopping the supply of these substance would not be the bet option to betterment the society as they are actually helpful in a way. when taken in the right dose, it can help to cure some diseases and illnesses. for example, marijuana can help in the management of some psychiatric issues, when taken as prescribed by your doctor. though i do not know about the actual health benefits of alcoholic drinks, i think it is just for purpose of pleasure.

Based on this, irrespective of the societal damages, i will not want to stop the supply of these drugs, instead i will strictly monitor its supply and greatly punish the offenders that goes against the policies set to regulate its supply. Each and every body set up for the regulatory purpose will work double time with their wages fully paid. Extra given for any culprit caught.

Thank you for reading.

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Wow, I'm just learning that marijuana can be used as a medicine for some mental illnesses, does that mean some get a doctor's prescription for it?


yes.. a doctor may prescribe it for a certain type of illness
