Reflection on the topic "what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage."


We live in a world where things have turned upside down and inside out. Immodest dressing is now the order of the day. People commit one sin or the other without fear of being punished. Men and women cheat on each other in their relationship, courtship and even marriage.

Many things happen without any tangible explanation and any reasonable notices. Heart breaks everywhere as divorce and remarriage fills every single corner.

Seems like things are getting worst as everyone has passed through one pain or the other. Trust between couples is relatively rare. Nobody knows who to believe or who to run to for vindication, well, except Christ and the teachings of Christ.

After a while being off, I am back today to share a post about my reflection on the topic "what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage."

I have been pondering over this topic for quite a while now. Thankfully, it was posted by brother Hiro-hive. Teachings by brother Eli Soriano.

Sin committed by men outside the truth can be forgiven by God.

Brother Eli Soriano.

Christ has a provision in the Bible about divorce. This provision is in favor of some causes of divorce and remarriage.

If you divorce your partner without any tangible reason or reasonable motive, then this is a sin before God. However, if you divorce your partner and remarry because your partner cheated on you with another person, then this is supported by the words of Christ as seen in the bible verse below:

Matthew 19:9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

You see, we should all strive to maintain our partners. Build them and mould them to be the Mr perfect and Mrs Perfect we want them to be. Remember, nobody is perfect but with good guide, we can get a glimpse of perfection.

Thank you for reading and may God bless you.

El legado continua
