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Music is life. it brings about a sense of being alive and ultimately, it can be a great aid for psychological therapy.

The advent of music is the best thing that have happened to the human race thus far. This has not only impacted the human race positively, it has also created a dimension for peace seekers.

Unlike other countries, Nigeria is different as it is made up many cultures and traditions. these many traditions have their distinct music they dance to. This music is the representation of their these cultures.

Ultimately, there are three major ethnic groups in Nigeria - the igbo, the yoruba and the hausa.

Though we have three different ethnic groups which have their distinct music, we still have general music made for everyone to listen to. This type of music is what we call the afro music. the one to make you dance and scatter your room all in the name of vibing. haha.

Since i am Igbo, i will focus mainly on our music.

we have different types of music. the Ogene music. the ones we play with out local drums when we have a traditional practice ongoing, the ones we play to praise God, the ones we play when we are having a festival and also the ones we play for the masquerade to dance to. Not to forget, we still have the ones we play in the bar. haha. basically, we have music for literally everything.

One thing i love my peoples music for is the reality checks carried by its lyrics. mainly, the one that is played in the bar.

You see, though the Igbo’s are seen as united to the public and are always calm people, the hatred within families is great. I did not grow up in the Igbo land, but when i came here, one thing i notice is that we allow jealousy, envy and laziness get the most of us. Elder have preached but their words fell on deaf ears. However, they decided to go ahead and put it into music.

One musician worthy of mentioning is Sir Warrior. yeah that is his name. His music is not only “sweet” and good, it carries reality checks and preach against these negativities done by my community people.

I know that my fellow igbo will be really happy to see this icon.

this music is titled “onye mere mma mere onwe ya.” which means, “he who do good, does it for themself.” This is an indirect way of saying that what goes around always comes around. Unfortunately, i looked for the english lyrics of this song but i could not find it. i really wish i did because if you understand the content or message of this song, then you will change for the better and always be your brothers keeper.

Like i said at the beginning of this post, music is life and i really love music. Unfortunately, the music of nowadays is something else.

This is my entry for the leogrowth daily contest day 26.

i want to invite @eunice9200, @fasacity and @abenad to join.

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Thank you for reading.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


thanks for the mentioned and I hope to drop my own soon.
Music does a lot to the body system
