Each and every body has a parenting style that they want to use in caring for their children. Some may accomplish this while some may be busy with trying to provide for their family and they will most likely forget everything about their desired parenting method.
The one major thing I am grateful to my parents for is the parenting style they used on me and my siblings. They taught us that love is the key thing and pass in kindness into the world. They always taught use that the change we seek starts from us and laziness will yield nothing but a smart physically unfit person who is smart but also dumb at the same time. They taught us many more that I can not even remember and some I will not want to share.
These parenting style from my family being the primary agent of socialization has helped me throughout my journey of life, even though i am somewhat introverted.
Personally, I will love to pass down all these teachings to my children and parent them with the same parenting style but I will add a touch of cruelty. I will want to orchestrate many events that will endanger my children, disappoint them and show them the true nature of life so that they will learn from first hand experience and know how to easily navigate any situation they find themselves.
One difficulty I had when I was growing up was that I allowed the kindness engulf me and I started putting people before my self.
People have always used this against me and so e times, it feels like I am not living for me, but I am living for other people as I am always trying to show people kindness to make them feel better while me, i have no body to make me feel better. Due to these attributes, I expect other people to show the same kindness but I get disappointed when I see how life can be.
Based on these, I will allow my children get many experiences, which I will orchestrate events for, while paying close attention to their safety.
I will make them grow up mentally at a young age so that before they reach adulthood, they might have already understood life more than I did, thereby avoiding unnecessary things in life.
I will never fail to discipline them, both by words and by cane. I will want to be the type of parent that do not flog their children always, but only when they do something really bad.
This is a response to the hive naija weekly prompt.
Canvas design.
Thank you for reading 😊