MY CLEANING ACTIVITIES DAY 128..... 28/01/2024
It's a new day and I have come into nature to carryout my cleaning actions.
I'm happy to have seen the light of today, based on this in want to give thanks to the Alpha and Omega allowed me to see the light of today.
After my night duty a day before yesterday, I went for evening duty yesterday.
The work yesterday was really boring. Like very boring as there was no labour.
After about 3 hours into my shift, a patient came to the ward with history of secreting red fluids from her gonad. The doctor saw her, collected data through history taking, observation, palpation e.t.c
The patient was diagnosed to have Retained Product of Conception.
After the long run, we prepared for Manual Vacuum Aspiration.
Though the process was beautiful and cool to me, you'll be disgusted by it even though I try explaining it.. so, let's leave it as that.
Now, retained product of Conception is a gynaecological condition inwhich the placenta could not be fully delivered, thus causing some of its lobes to be retained in the patients' uterus.
It presents with many signs anf symptoms, and secreting red fluids through the gonaf is one of it.
Obstructing the work of a midwife during the third stage of labour can cause this. Oh, did I just say second and third? Lol... Thought I was sharing with medical practitioners...
A better explanation below
The third stage of labour is a period in which the placenta is delivered with a cup-shaped hand. Sometimes, the lobes of the placenta remains inside the uterus and the midwife will need to go in and get those remnants.
The midwife with adequate PPE, goes into the uterus with her hand, to remove these products. If these products are not properly removed, the patient will have post partum haemorrhage and will need to come back so that those product can be removed, this time, through Manual Vacuum Aspiration.
Though the process of inserting the midwifes hand into the uterus through the gonad is very very very painful, please try as much as possible to endure and allow them finish their work else you will have to pay more to get it removed in the nearest future.
Anyhoo, that's that about that..
The pictures to my cleanplanet post is below, you could check it out.
Hope you like the pictures..
Thank you for reading.
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