
To God be the glory that a new day has presented itself for us. Gratitude to the heavenly Father is inevitable as I have seen another day that is more beautiful that the previous day.

Today, I decided to join the mass Indoctrination session and as always, it was filled with many new things to learn. I feel like there is no end to learning because as I join each day, I see new things to learn.

Prayer is the only way we communicate with God. Through prayer, we can pass our worries to and believe that God has heard us. Irrespective of how hard things tend to get, if we go down our kneels and pray, we are sure that the heavenly father will answer us and aid us in times of our needs

Some persons do not actually understand the concept of prayer. People nowadays pray with repetitive words, some pray for hours, some prayers are not precise as they go from one prayer point to another. One way to pray as a Christian is to make your prayer brief, keep your words straight and avoid repeating your words. Make sure your prayer is precises because God already knows what you want to ask for, even before you asked.

Before you go into prayers, make sure that your heart is pure. Make sure that you are at peace with your fellow men and you don't have any ill intentions in your heart. Make sure that every things is in order. Do not hate your fellow men neither should you be malicious. Be sure that you have a very pure heart before you ask any thing from God.

God only answers those who have a pure heart. When you do not have a pure heart, then God will not listen to you. What comes out of the are evil thoughts and Ill doings. The heart is very deceitful and very hard to read. The only one that can see through what is in the heart is God.

Our mouth speaks out of the abundant of the heart. What is in your heart is the thing that the mouth speaks. However,if you have evil in your heart, then your words will have a trace of evil even though you try to mask it. If you have good intentions and a pure heart,then your words will be pure, no deceit or lies.

The only way to clean your heart and have your prayers answered is only if we turn away from our sinful ways. Look away from it. Accept Christ and learn his doctrines. Do not learn it alone, but you should work towards being a practitioner of the doctrines of Christ. Be baptized and make sure that you remain in the righteous ways of God. Let humility lead you. Do away with every strain of arrogance. How do you want for God to hear you when you have bitterness, anger in your heart? Not only that you commit fornication, adultery, witchcraft and you are unclean.

God only listens to those who are pure at heart.

The tongue is a fire. a world of iniquity that defiles the entire body. It is very difficult to control the tongue, though we can control many things.

Do not let your tongue lead you astray. Let your yes be your yes and let your no be your no. If some body ask you a yes or no question, be straight forward to answer.

These are some of the knowledge I got from todays teachings. The Bible verse are as follows:

James 5:17
Mathew 5:37
James 3:6
Matthew 12:33
Luke 6:45
Galatians 5:19 - 21
Acts 22:16
Psalms 119:11
1 Peter 1:22
John 17:17
II Chronicles 7:14
John 9:31

These are the Bible verses. There are lots more though.

Thank you for reading.
