Food is one of the basic necessity of survival as a human. Though we can go for days without eating, the effects will be very obvious and it will inhibit many processes in the body if we do so.

There are many different food out there in the world. Even the ones they eat raw. Different people have what they love eating. One persons food may be another persons poison but all the same, what matters is that we get to eat.

Home made food is one of the best food there is on earth. Though at times it is not as perfect as the food we buy outside, it still stands out to be the best.

Some people, mainly guys, love to eat from fast food. Sometimes it can be because of tight schedules, lack of cooking knowledge and kitchen experience, and sometimes it is due to laziness.

Personally, I do not actually like eating as much but if I do, I want to eat what I cooked.

I hardly go out to eat from these restaurants. No matter how shinny and sweet the food may look, I prefer to ask the chef there how the food was prepared, then go to the market and buy the recipe for making the dish, then enter the kitchen while engaging in kitchen malpractice with the help of youtube. Haha

As working class people or as students, at times our schedule a is always tight. Due to this tight schedule, we forget to take proper care of ourselves at times. Some times, the stress is very overwhelming and we tend not to even bath well in the bathroom because we are in a hurry to catch up with time.

I was once in such condition where I had no time to do any thing for my self. This happened when I was in my final year. Being the course representative, the work load was doubled for me. I was always on the road. Travel from one place to another just to get things straight. Go to school before 7am so I can prepare things for my class. Be in class from 7am to 9pm with less than 30 minutes break. The stress was overwhelming. Me and headache were best of friends, even though I hate the friendship and always want it to end by taking analgesics. Still, the headache was persistent and loved me a lot. Haha.

During these times, I had little time to look at anybody when I was walking on the road. Based on this, for about two weeks, I was constantly buying food outside. I always went to a fast food close by to get food for my self. Some times, I do send a junior colleague to get some food for me because I had no time. Do sometimes when I get a slight opportunity, I will seize it to cook a lot of food that will last for some time. However, the problem with this is that I do not have the time to heat the food so it will be warm enough and not get spoilt.

It is not like I do not like eating outside. Some of these chef out there are actually very good at cooking. But the major thing that is stopping me from eating out is because I was not raised like that. When I was a kid and still living with my parents, eating from my neighbors will land me in serious problems that may last for the week. I was born and brought up with home cooked food and was taught how to cook my food and not depend on anyone for my food.

The next thing that is stopping me from eating outside is when I went to the back of a restaurant. What I saw behind the scenes discouraged me totally. Some of these restaurants have a very poor hygiene. They may less attention to the environment they stay to cook. At times, they clean their nose with their hands and still use that same hand to continue cooking without washing it. It's really ewww but then, what can I say?

Another thing that made me not comfortable with eating out is the fear of being poisoned. I do not know how many people are my enemies in sheeps clothing. I do hear stories of people being poisoned from the restaurant they do eat in. Because of this, I do not eat at a place. I may eat in one restaurant today, and not go there for the entire week or maybe two weeks. I still like my life and want to live to the fullest. Haha.

Canvas design

All images belongs to me.except where cited otherwise

Thank you for reading ☺️


Home food is the best in terms of trusting the process of the food. To me buying fast food consistently is either because you do not have time or you don't know how to cook.

I may eat in one restaurant today, and not go there for the entire week or maybe two weeks

Lol... wise guy


true. you are very much correct.

lol............. nobody wants to d*e young. haha
