Having The virtue of practical wisdom

It's a new day, it's a refreshed life, it's a full moon, with the quite environment and calm breeze for me.

A good time to clap my thumbs on my phone

Virtue, is something everyone should have. A person without virtues is someone who is bound to live without purpose.

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One virtue I really appreciate people having is that of practical wisdom. When selecting my friends anywhere I go, I make sure that they posses practical wisdom, else, they don't meet the qualifications of being friends with me or vibing with me.

What is this wisdom I speak about?

A person is said to be wise if they can be able to apply their experience and knowledge (both hypothetical or theoretical) to making rational and realistic decisions which will positively impact and be beneficial not only to them, but to people around them as well.

Wisdom is a great concept which has to do with knowledge and experience, acquiring knowledge from diverse sources and using it to make good decisions in life.

When a person posseses practical wisdom, they will tend to be responsible, reserved and above all, posses good qualities of leadership.

Can I forgive everything if a person posses this virtue?

Well, I could forgive things based on the situation on ground.
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You would not tell me to forgive a person that harm my family just because he has these attributes. As said earlier, me forgiving him will be based on the situation on ground.

Many people around me currently lack this value, and honestly, I wouldn't say I am hurt but I will say that I a disappointed. People I looked up to, thinking that they have sense (wisdom) turned out not to be wise. They let me down in many ways and honestly, I was really disappointed.

One of such person is my principal in school. The way she handles cases that come to her table is really appalling. I expect her as the principal to be able to sanction who needs to be sanctioned and praise who needs to be praised but she does none of the above. There was a time a student insulted their senior collegue (in nursing we really respect hierarchy and no matter what, we don't disrespect our seniors), when the case was taken to the principal (with audio proof) so she will take appropriate action, she did not look into the matter and no one was punished. The case just went like that and nothing was done.

Had it been she is wise enough, she would have handled that case involving a senior and junior collegue in a very good way and everyone will be happy but she did not. This particular act gave the junior the leverage to behave anyhow and she can insult another senior and feel like nothing can be done about it. I felt really hurt and disappointed honestly because I see her as an esteemed person but ever since they day, my view of her changed drastically.

That will be all for now.

Thanks a lot for stopping by my post, I hope to see you next time.


I really liked your text, talking about the wisdom we should have, which also reminded me a lot about how life experience brings us this wisdom.

This part mentioned here I fully agree:

When a person possesses practical wisdom, they will tend to be responsible, reserved and above all, posses good qualities of leadership.

This wisdom will make her make the best decisions, with calm and life experience, it is remarkable that she will know how to be fair and smart with decisions, so that all those around her do not suffer from a bad decision.


Wonderful, this means you've got a very very good wife for yourself . It's wise of you to make such superb choice when getting married.

Thanks for stopping by


Sorry for the delay, I do have a wonderful wife, I love her very much and I hope I can live with her until the end of my days. It was the right choice and I don't regret it. Have a great weekend!


Thanks for sharing your article! It's indeed one of the better virtues if people have practical wisdom!


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My wife would probably tell you that I have a lot of knowledge but not a lot of common sense (practical wisdom). I may not always agree with her but...

I totally agree with you. Being intelligent isn't enough. Being Wisdom and having Common Sense are very useful and fairly uncommon traits :)

Thanks for writing.


It takes only a wise woman to give such compliments and correction to her husband.

Thanks a lot for stopping by sir
