
Just as most people, the year started with joy and happiness. Though i had a boring start as i was in school reading for my final exams which i later passed.

The past 6 months have been one with many ups and downs but the most unique thing about these past months is that we go to learn lessons and be strong enough to have fun even during hard times. hehe


January was really boring. i did nothing but read, pray and be depressed due to too much thinking. During this time was when tension gripped me. i was not able to do anything but read in fear. there was no reassurance of its reduction. Every body i see always ask me about my preparation for my final exams and this always send shivers to my spine. i was basically loosing my mind and i had to rely on music (after every hour of reading) in other to survive.


This month was just like the previous. i quitted everything i was doing. lost tough with reality because it was like y reality was a prison to me. i became withdrawn and always indoors. more than i used to be. Gradually, i began to loose muscle mass and i began to slim down faster than a fat lady who takes slim tea. my mental health began to deminish gradually and i went from high level wellness to sickness in a very short time. i received no calls as in was constantly annoyed. i was not in the right sense to talk to anyone. i had to consume loads of sugar and protein so as to enable my body keep up the work and for my brain not to run our of glucose. hypoglycemia and hypovolemia was friends with me. i was constantly trying to restock fluids and glucose but my body uses them faster than they can be restored.


The month of the exams reached at last. in the beginning of the month, the tension grew stronger but with time, everything began to subside. All i could do at this juncture is to read, pray and repeat the cycle.

Frustration came once again when i was asked to help my course mates with their project works. i had to leave my reading schedule and travel from one place to another just to make sure that i accomplish the task. sometimes, i take my books to the workshop where the project works are being processed so as to read one thing or two.

The time for the exams came and i was honestly not prepared for the first paper. in the morning of the first paper, i had to go to the workshop to bring back the project work. my course mates were reading but i was on the road, going up and down just o get the research work (project work) ready.

i entered into the exams hall in a hurry and i did not have any time to revise my books. i got there, the computer was at my front, confusion set in. the only way of relaxing i could think of was to flip my pen while waiting for the invigilators to give the exam rules and announce to us to start.

we started and i wrote the exams without any issues. i wrote the second paper, the third paper and the last paper (practicals) and VIVA without any issues.

The results came out within a week of writting the exams and i passed.


Nothing much happened during this month. this was the month of rest for me. i rested througout the month, refusing to go on any adventure or something. i refused to go back to work. i slept like a person who was on cryo-sleep. The end of april came and i began to make plans for the remaining year.


During this month, i began to apply for new jobs in other hospitals. i went to many places to explore. first i went to the stadium of owerri imo state Nigeria to have fun watching a soccer match between government college Vs owerri city.

The football match ongoing.

After that, i travelled to port harcourt Nigeria to apply for jobs and to see my girl friend. being in a distant relation can be really hectic but i prefer it because i get to focus more on my jobs. we spent quality time together. visited the airforce base together and went for some other sight seeing. she loves pleasure park, so going there was inevitable.

The helicopter at the entrance of Air Force Base port Harcourt

after spending some time with her, i came down to umuahia to chill a little. i wanted to have some alone time so as to think straight and get strategies on hoe to face what is coming.


june is here and the major thing i am thinking of is how to settle down in umuahia. However, i am expecting calls from the places that i submitted applications so if they call me for an interview,i will go but come back to umuahia. if i get a job in another state, then that will be the place which i settle down.

for now, i am still floating. haha

thank you for reading

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All images belongs to me except where cited otherwise

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Thank you for sharing your journey! It inspires me to see how you've managed to balance your studies and your personal life. Congratulations on your performance in the exams! It's admirable that you're honest with your mental health. I wish you luck in your search for employment and future plans. Keep pushing forward and finding joy, even in tough times!


Thanks a lot for your encouragement.

I'm happy that my post inspired you.


It seems you have had your own share of struggles this year, well I remember when I was preparing for my final year exam, it was like a war because I was also processing my final year project. I read so much that I felt my mind was beginning to operate on its own. After the exam I nearly lost touch with reality because my brain has gotten used to the reading to the extent nothing else was fun to me took the help of my family to get out of that spot.


That spot is one that is hard to get out from.

Its really hard if you have no body to talk to. Exams is not easy yaknow.

After the exams, I really wanted to stop reading but my brain worked independently. It read every single thing it saw. Haha.

Thank you for stopping by
