Day 6: mass Indoctrination

Everyday, we learn and digest the doctrines of Christ.
The sixth day of the mass Indoctrination was fire. Filled with lots of things to add up and ways of life being taught.

The most important thing is not to be the hearers of the doctrines, but the doers of the doctrines of Christ.

Doing something for God is a privilege. When a human builds a house for God, it is called the house of prayer and not a house of God. God do not dwell in temples moulded by men.

Everyone is a temple of God given bat they are doing what is right. The spirit of God dwells in us all. The spirit of God dwells in the Church, a temple and not a house made by men.

When Solomon built a house for God, God called it a house of prayer.

There are hourly prayers to God organized by the MCGI. These prayers are not repetitive. The house of God is also called the church of God. The person that is leading the house of God is Christ.
Christ is the high priest and the head over the house of God.

Inside the house of which is the church of God, God should find us to be prayerful. Prayer is a doctrine of Christ.

Every thing we do should be direct and in order. When praying, you should put your kneels down and pray.

When Moses wanted to to meet God in Mount Sinai , God asked him to to take off his shoes because the place he was standing was a holy ground.

The glory of the Lord came from the east. Like the sun, it rises from the east. When we pray, we should face the direction where the glory of God rose from.

The church of God started from the east . God said that he will save his people from the east country then to the west.
The name of God will be preach from the east, where the sun rise, to the west, where the sun sets. this is the way in which the name of the lord will be preach to the gentiles. The only church that started from the east is the MCGI church.

Before engaging in prayers, it is important to make sure that you have a pure heart. Husbands and wives should learn the doctrines of Christ. Parents and children should also do the same. Always know that you should pray without ceasing. Praying is a continuous thing that is done. No cessation.

If the people of God can humble themselves and then away from their wicked ways, and then seek the face of God, then will he hear their prayer from heaven, forgive them of their sins and heal their lands.

When you believe in God and pray to him, even bullets can not do any harm to you.

For better understanding and proofs to back up these doctrines, read the Bible passages....

Ezekiel 43:2
II Corinthians 7:14
Zachariah 8:7
I Corinthians 1:10
I Timothy 3:15
I Corinthians 14:40
Isaiah 56:7
I Corinthians 3:16
Exodus 3:5

Thank you for reading. I hope you join the mass Indoctrination and learn the doctrines of Christ.
