Hello everyone and welcome to my post.

It is a new day, a bright and beautiful day with a calm weather and a great sunrise.
I am happy to have seen the light of another day. A beautiful sunrise that is beautiful enough to keep the soul warm and joyful.

I woke up today to a slightly noisy environment. My neighbor was listening to the news outside her room on her radio set and raised the volume quite a lot. Even at the moment of making this post, she is still listening to the news with a high volume. Though I'm not against it because I also love the news. It feels like I'm getting a headache from the noise.

Anyways, no matter the sound of the radio, saying a prayer is inevitable because I have already gotten used to it. Even when I don't want to, I always find myself saying a prayer.

After the prayer, I went out for my morning walk. Due to the fact that I have some energy-requiring things to do this morning, I refused to jog so as not to drain my energy. I walked for quite a distance, then I went back to the house to being what I need to do.

The house was a kind of scattered and I need to do the laundry and then take care of the looks of my kitchen. I began with the room. Cleaned it to my satisfaction and mopped it as much as I could. After that, I then went on to the kitchen to wash every thing that needs to be washed. I also swept and mopped it. I became exhausted from the entire work but I can not just go back and rest because I have not done my laundry yet. After catching my breath, I took my clothes out to wash it. I would have loved to give a laundry man but well, I have hands, time and energy yaknow. It took a while but I finished that too.

Immediately, I fixed breakfast and cleaned the kitchen again. I ate, bathed and went out for my days business.

After a day filled with stress, I came back to the comfort of my bed. I still went out again to do my clean planet activity. It felt real nice ya'know.
I took some pictures which can be found below.

Thank you for reading and viewing.

Special mention:

